Check out Ka Makani Kaiaulu o Wai’anae’s blog and a Facebook page.
Applications are now closed for Ka Makani Kaiaulu o Wai’anae 2010.
Ka Makani Kaiaulu o Wai‘anae
A Summer Youth Environmental Justice Training Institute
Aloha Kakou
We are Ka Makani Kaiaulu o Wai’anae. We are learning how to promote environmental justice in Wai’anae.
We know there is a problem – environmental racism.
We swim and play in these waters. We eat food from the land and sea here. We all have family members who are sick with asthma or cancer.
We want environmental justice.
1. Stop or reduce all harmful impacts, not just the streams, but the sources of contamination: landfills, military and industry.
2. We want the clean up of all the contaminated sites.
3. We demand a healthy environment for our community.
A healthy environment is a human right!
Ka Makani Kaiaulu o Wai’anae is a summer youth environmental justice organizing training institute for youth from the Wai’anae coast to learn cenvironmental justice and ommunity organizing skills.
The program is geared to youth (age 15 – 19) from Wai’anae who care about the health and well being of their families, communities and the ‘aina. Applicants must be committed to learning community empowerment skills and using those new skills to help their community and the environment become healthier.
We will learn about issues affecting the Wai’anae community, social justice movements in Hawai’i and around the world, the basics of making positive social change, and digital story telling as a medium for shaping the vision and plan for the future of our community.
The Ka Makani Kaiaulu o Wai’anae Institute runs four weeks – June 21 through July 16, 2009, weekdays from 9am to 2pm.
Most activities will take place at the Leeward Community College Wai’anae office (86-088 Farrington Hwy, Suite 201, Wai‘anae, HI 96792, Phone: 696-6378). The class will take field trips to help students better understand the issues affecting Hawai’i and the depth and scope of doing this work.
Why should you join other students this summer in this life changing experience? Wai’anae is under attack. It is an assault against the community and against the ‘aina, with military bombs and toxic chemicals, contaminated landfills, water pollution, chemical weapons, destruction of cultural sites, rising costs of living and growing numbers of houseless families. The Ka Makani Kaiaulu o Wai’anae Institute will give the selected candidates a way to learn skills for making grassroots community change and a forum to present their ideas on how to improve conditions for peace and justice and environmental sustainability.
Program eligibility
- Must be between the ages of 15-19.
- Must be self-motivated and able to work well in a team towards a common goal.
- Must have the desire to protect the environment and the health and well being of the Wai’anae community.
Participants who successfully complete the program will receive a $200 stipend.
Program Sponsor
AFSC is a non-profit international human rights organization focusing on peace and social justice. We have worked in Hawai’i since 1941 and have been active in the Wai’anae community since the 1970s. We promote human rights and justice for Native Hawaiians, non-military career alternatives for youth and the restoration and clean up of lands that have been damaged by the military, such as Kaho’olawe and Makua.
American Friends Service Committee – Hawai’i Area Program
Attn: Kyle Kajihiro
Ka Makani Kaiaulu o Wai’anae
2426 O’ahu Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96822
Fax: 808-988-4876
Mahalo to the Ka Papa o Kakuhihewa Fund of the Hawaii Community Foundation, the Hawaii Peoples Fund and the Kim Coco Iwamoto Fund for Social Justice for their generous support of AFSC’s youth programs.
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