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Totally Occupied: 700 Military Bases Spread Across Afghanistan

Source: / By Nick Turse Totally Occupied: 700 Military Bases Spread Across Afghanistan Existing in the shadows, the US base-building program is staggering in size and scope and also extraordinarily expensive. February 10, 2010 In the nineteenth century, it was a fort used by British forces. In the twentieth century, Soviet troops moved… Read more »

Why the U.S. is worried about protests in Bahrain

The revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt have sparked numerous uprisings in the Arab world, including tiny Bahrain. But as AOL News reports, due to the strategic location and the large U.S. military bases on Bahrain, the political unrest there has U.S. officials worried: Most Americans couldn’t find Bahrain on a map before this week, but… Read more »

“Game Over” for Mubarak, “Game On” for Egypt’s Workers

Katy Rose, a good friend and activist who played a key role in the Superferry resistance on Kaua’i and who now works for a union in Californa, sent this insightful article about the revolutionary transformation that is taking place within Egyptian society, much of it driven by the awakened power of the working class: Mubarak’s… Read more »

People & Power – Egypt: Seeds of change

Al Jazeera produced this excellent documentary about the April 6 Movement, the youth organization behind the revolution in Egypt.   The small group of disciplined and sophisticated leaders were the spark.  Getting training from the Serbian nonviolent youth movement, they applied classic nonviolence organizing principles with new technological tools.  The rest is history. <After initially posting… Read more »

For Egypt, this is the miracle of Tahrir Square

Source: For Egypt, this is the miracle of Tahrir Square There is no room for compromise. Either the entire Mubarak edifice falls, or the uprising is betrayed Slavoj Žižek Thursday 10 February 2011 20.30 GMT One cannot but note the “miraculous” nature of the events in Egypt: something has happened that few predicted, violating… Read more »

Military spending will thwart earmark ban, experts predict

Despite much bluster and hand-wringing about a two-year moratorium on earmarks, The Hill reports that: Defense budget experts say the campaign to banish earmarks from Congress is unlikely to succeed because lawmakers will find other ways to direct money to military projects in their districts. Military projects are too important in too many states and… Read more »

Cow Most Sacred: Why Military Spending Remains Untouchable

Robert Dreyfuss writes in The Nation “Since the fall, … a civil war of sorts has broken out among Republicans over defense, with the dissident faction led by Norquist, the libertarian Cato Institute and a growing group of allies, including some factions of the rambunctious Tea Party movement, backing significant cuts.” But Andrew Bacevich cautions… Read more »

Ann Wright: Why the War in Afghanistan is Unwinnable

Source: Retired Colonel Ann Wright Discusses Why the War in Afghanistan is Unwinnable by Jacob Shafer January 19, 2011 | 02:01 PM We’ve spoken with Ret. Col. Ann Wright of Oahu before—about her decision to resign from the State Department on the eve of the 2003 Iraq invasion, about the follies of the Bush… Read more »

Tomgram: Nick Turse, The Pentagon’s Planet of Bases,_the_pentagon Tomgram: Nick Turse, The Pentagon’s Planet of Bases Posted by Nick Turse at 5:13pm, January 9, 2011. [TomDispatch recommendations: If you have a chance, check out “The Tyranny of Defense Inc.,” the latest piece by Andrew Bacevich, author of the bestselling Washington Rules, at the Atlantic.  It was written to commemorate the 50th anniversary of… Read more »

Japan Focus: New Year 2011, Okinawa and the Future of East Asia

Thanks to Gavan McCormack, Norimatsu Satoko and Mark Selden for this excellent recap of events surrounding the U.S. military base controversy in Okinawa and an analysis of prospects for for the future. Please visit the Japan Focus website for some of the best analysis of Japan and East Asia issues. >><< New Year 2011, Okinawa… Read more »