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Are Haoles Victimized?

Judy Rohrer recently published a book Haoles in Hawai’i.  It is an excellent history of the U.S. occupation of Hawai’i, haole identity formation and race relations in Hawai’i. She also provides insightful analysis of haole reaction to Native Hawaiian and local demands for justice.   Originally from Hawai’i, she is back in the islands to give… Read more »

Navy commander loses carrier job over anti-gay videos

A Commander of the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier was permanently relieved of command for producing and broadcasting a series of lewd anti-gay videos to his crew according to the Virginian-Pilot: Adm. John C. Harvey announced today that he has permanently relieved Capt. Owen Honors as commanding officer of the aircraft carrier Enterprise for showing “exceptionally… Read more »

Solidarity Actions to Protest US Military Expansion in Takae (Okinawa)

U.S. military helicopters buzzed the peace encampment near the Yambaru forest  in Takae, at the northern end of Okinawa. Construction of the jungle warfare training area has begun.  This is another site of community resistance to U.S. military base expansion in Okinawa, but it has gotten far less media attention than Futenma and Henoko.  Groups… Read more »

Navy Awards Two Contracts to Build New Combat Ships

The New York Times reports that Lockheed Martin and Austal USA got nice Christmas gifts from the Navy: The Navy on Wednesday awarded two companies contracts that could be worth a total of more than $7 billion to build 20 of its new littoral combat ships, splitting the purchase to obtain the vessels more quickly…. Read more »

Two articles with analysis of the tensions in Korean peninsula

Mahalo to Marta Duenas of West Coast Famoksaiyan for posting the following articles about the tensions in the Korean Peninsula on her listserve.   Another blog for Famoksaiyan is here.  I am just reposting what she sent in her email as it captures my sentiments.  Mahalo to Satoko Norimatsu and her Peace Philosophy Centre blog, to… Read more »

Community resists military expansion on Jeju Island

Thanks to Bruce Gagnon for posting these updates on the critical situation in Jeju island, Korea, where villagers are resisting the construction of a new military base. Mon 12/27/2010 12:54 PM RESISTANCE BEGINS ON JEJU ISLAND I got these photos from a Jeju Island media outlet….you can see more of them if you click here… Read more »

Harriet Hanako Hanzawa/Kondo’s Instructions for War

Source: Harriet Hanako Hanzawa/Kondo’s Instructions for War 1:53 pm By Dwight Kondo by Dwight Kondo Puna, Hawaiian Kingdom 1338-121610 My mother’s instruction, as my father and she waited with me at Honolulu International Airport, was simple though incongruent with sending a son to War. As the other soldiers began to line up to board,… Read more »

ATSDR Late with Vieques Report

Source: ATSDR Late with Vieques Report Concern within the scientific Community by José A. Delgado WASHINGTON – The confidentiality with which the Federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has handled the report that would officially discard conclusions made a decade ago that minimized health damages caused by military maneuvers on… Read more »

“Access Denied”: Air Force blocks access to sites that post Wikileaks secrets

According to the New York Times, the Air Force is blocking access to websites that post secret documents leaked by Wikileaks.  Here’s an excerpt: WASHINGTON — The Air Force is barring its personnel from using work computers to view the Web sites of The New York Times and more than 25 other news organizations and… Read more »

Wikileaks reveals the secret soft underbelly of American Empire

The Honolulu Star Advertiser reported: WASHINGTON >> In a disclosure of some of the most sensitive information revealed yet by WikiLeaks, the website has released a secret cable listing sites worldwide that the U.S. considers critical to its national security. The locations cited in the diplomatic cable from U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton… Read more »