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Hawaii Superferry failed to pay the state monthly fees

The Associated Press reported that the troubled Hawaii Superferry, a military prototype fast transport ship, had failed to pay the state its monthly fees nine months before the Hawaii Supreme Court ruling that overturned a state law retroactively exempting the Hawaii Superferry from state environmental review laws.  AP reporter Mark Niesse reported: The Hawaii Superferry… Read more »

Militarization of Central America and the Caribbean: The U.S. Military Moves Into Costa Rica

The U.S. is sending 46 warships and 7000 marines to Costa Rica allegedly to “fight drugs”.  An article from Global Research is posted below, along with an action alert sent by  United for Peace and Justice to its supporters: >><< The outrageous announcement that 46 US warships and 7000 Marines are heading for Costa Rica… Read more »

Rush to Judgment: Inconsistencies in South Korea’s Cheonan Report

Japan Focus has published a new article that questions the forensic evidence and conclusions of the South Korean government related to the sinking of the Cheonan. >><< Rush to Judgment: Inconsistencies in South Korea’s Cheonan Report Seunghun Lee (Department of Physics, University of Virginia) J.J. Suh (SAIS, Johns Hopkins University) On the night of… Read more »

Cheonan sinking and New Cold War in Asia

Thanks to Sung-hee Choi for forwarding this analysis about the sinking of the South Korean ship Cheonan and its implications for peace in NE Asia and three petitions to end the Korean War: 1. ———- Forwarded message ———- From: Martha Duenas <> Date: Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 12:00 AM Subject: [famoksaiyanfriends] SIGN THE PETITION… Read more »

UN Special Committee decision concerning Puerto Rico 08 July 2010 (English Version) Special Committee decision concerning Puerto Rico The Special Committee, Bearing in mind the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, contained in General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, as well as the resolutions and decisions of the Special Committee concerning Puerto Rico,… Read more »

Assault on the Sea: A 50-Year U.S. Plan to Build a Military Port on Oura Bay, Okinawa Assault on the Sea: A 50-Year U.S. Plan to Build a Military Port on Oura Bay, Okinawa Ryukyu Asahi Broadcasting (Video) and Norimatsu Satoko (Introduction and translation) So often, Okinawan voices go unheard outside of Okinawa. So often, probing TV documentaries on such sensitive issues as the Battle of Okinawa or on Okinawa-Japan-U.S. relations… Read more »

New analysis of Hawai’i statehood referendum data raises doubts about its legitimacy

Arnie Saiki of the Statehood Hawaii blog has done excellent analysis of the voting data for Hawai’i’s statehood referendum and raises critical questions about the legitimacy of the vote as an act of self-determination.  The data on population patterns and the military population are interesting.    See the maps and analysis. >><< 1959 Election… Read more »


Jeffrey Acido, one of Hawai’i’s young organizers/teachers/prophets wrote the following article about the environment and the healing of our communities. >><< Monday at 9:33am Agkabannuag July Issue Jeffrey Tangonan Acido HEALING THE EARTH, HEALING OURSELVES During the past several months I realized that I have been falling in love again and again with the majestic… Read more »

Tom Engelhardt on “The American Way of War: How Bush’s Wars Became Obama’s” Tom Engelhardt on “The American Way of War: How Bush’s Wars Became Obama’s” We discuss the latest in the ongoing US war in Afghanistan, the longest-running war in American history, with Tom Engelhardt, creator and editor of the website TomDispatch and author of The American Way of War: How Bush’s Wars Became Obama’s. Engelhardt… Read more »

Johan Galtung on Democracy Now! Part 2 “I Love the US Republic, and I Hate the US Empire”: Johan Galtung on the War in Afghanistan and How to Get Out We turn now to the second part of my interview with Johan Galtung. Known as a founder of the field of peace and conflict studies, he’s spent the past half-century pursuing… Read more »