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“Superferry is completely dead”

Brad Parsons, who diligently followed the Hawaii Superferry saga on his blog and did amazing detective work to discredit the Superferry business plan, expose the military transport contracts lurking behind the Superferry facade, and calculate a seasickness index for voyages, declared “Superferry is completely dead.” Here’s his post about the revocation of a Public Utilities… Read more »

South Korean civil society: Statement on the Current State of Affairs for Peace on the Korean Peninsula

Thanks to Narae Lee, International Coordinator of Peace Boat US for sharing the following statement by South Korean civil society about the sinking of the Cheonan naval ship: >><< Dear all, Please, find a statement below, issued by South Korean civil society, regarding the sinking of the Cheon-ahn navy warship. While no sufficient evidence on… Read more »

South Korean religious leaders question conclusions of the Cheonan sinking investigation

COMMENTS ON THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE JOINT CIVILIAN-MILITARY INVESTIGATION GROUP’S CONCLUSION “Nothing is covered up that will not become known” Luke 12:2 We, PROK, who have been praying for democracy, peace, and life of Korean society, raise some points responding to the JIG’s announcement of the conclusion of its investigation that says South Korean Navy… Read more »

A New Antiwar Voice From Hawaii … Don’t Count On It A New Antiwar Voice From Hawaii … Don’t Count On It Friday 14 May 2010 by: Jon Letman, t r u t h o u t | Report Lihue, Hawaii – In a week, voters in Hawaii’s First Congressional District will select the woman or man who will replace former Democratic Congressman Neil Abercrombie,… Read more »

UK Asked Red Cross to Investigate Fallujah Birth Defects MoD asked Red Cross to look into Iraq birth defects Letter reveals Government wanted charity to investigate claims following Fallujah attacks By Robert Verkaik, Law Editor Thursday, 6 May 2010 Britain was so concerned about reports from Iraq of an alarming increase in the number of babies being born with deformities that ministers asked… Read more »

Corporate interests Behind “Reduction of Okinawa’s Burden”

This post on the Peace Philosophy blog exposes the corporate agendas behind the Okinawa base relocation issue. >><< Thursday, May 13, 2010 Corporate Interests Behind “Reduction of Okinawa’s Burden” 「沖縄の負担軽減」の本当の意味 This is a summary translation of one part of Tokyo Shimbun journalist Handa Shigeru’s lecture in Tokyo on December 15, 2009. I thought it… Read more »

Thirty Meter Telescope Final EIS released

Eyes of the he’e…More desecration planned for sacred summit of Mauna Kea.  The proposed Thirty Meter Telescope would be the largest telescope in the world.  But Native Hawaiian and environmental groups will continue to fight the destructive project.   While this project is not a direct military project, most of the astronomy and space research programs… Read more »

Obama and U.S. Military Engagement in Africa Obama and U.S. Military Engagement in Africa By Daniel Volman, May 5, 2010 Originally published in Pambazuka When Barack Obama took office as president of the United States in January 2009, it was widely expected that he would dramatically change, or even reverse, the militarized and unilateral national security policy toward Africa that had… Read more »

U.S. Bases in Colombia Rattle the Region U.S. Bases in Colombia Rattle the Region By Benjamin Dangl, March 2010 issue On the shores of the Magdalena River, in a lush green valley dotted with cattle ranches and farms, sits the Palanquero military base, an outpost equipped with Colombia’s longest runway, housing for 2,000 troops, a theater, a supermarket, and a casino…. Read more »

Japanese lawmaker: Obama pushing us toward China Japanese lawmaker: Obama pushing us toward China Posted By Josh Rogin Tuesday, May 4, 2010 – 9:18 PM When Barack Obama met briefly with Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama on the sidelines of last month’s nuclear summit, he asked the Japanese leader to follow through on his promise to resolve the U.S.-Japan dispute over… Read more »