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As Kyrgyz victims mourn, U.S. military flights resume, but fate of Manas air base is uncertain Kyrgyz victims mourned, US base fate on hold Kyrgyz victims mourned, interim leader says US air base fate not a top priority for new govt YURAS KARMANAU AP News Apr 09, 2010 13:40 EDT Thousands of grieving, angry mourners flooded the capital’s main square Friday to honor victims of Kyrgyzstan’s revolt — with many… Read more »

‘As I watch The Footage, Anger Calcifies In My Heart’ ‘As I watch The Footage, Anger Calcifies In My Heart’ By Haifa Zangana 10 April, 2010 The Guardian A novelist and former prisoner of Saddam Hussein’s regime gives her reaction to the Wikileaks Iraq video I know the area where this massacre was committed. It is a crowded working-class area, a place where it… Read more »

At the Geopolitical Crossroads of China and Russia: Kyrgyzstan And The Battle For Central Asia At the Geopolitical Crossroads of China and Russia: Kyrgyzstan And The Battle For Central Asia by Rick Rozoff Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev was deposed five years after and in the same manner as he came to power, in a bloody uprising. Elected president two months after the so-called Tulip Revolution of 2005 he helped… Read more »

Occupied Washington, DC Occupied Washington, DC by Stephanie Westbrook As a visitor to our nation’s capital, I cannot tell you how disconcerting it is to step off the metro and find yourself face to face with a F-35 fighter jet. Where you would normally expect to find ads for cell phones or museum exhibitions, Washington’s subway, the… Read more »

Upheaval in Kyrgyzstan Could Imperil Key U.S. Base

“Upheaval in Kyrgyzstan could Imperil key U.S. Base”?  More like U.S. Base created conditions that bred corruption and fueled popular unrest that eventually toppled the government. >><< Upheaval in Kyrgyzstan Could Imperil Key U.S. Base By CLIFFORD J. LEVY Published: April 7, 2010 MOSCOW — The president of Kyrgyzstan was forced to flee the… Read more »

Military boosts research funding for biofuels and solar power in Hawai’i

The military wants to grow biofuel crops in Hawai’i to reduce its dependency on imported oil. That’s good and all, but Hawai’i can’t even feed itself.  Something like 90% of food is imported. Why grow jet fuel?   That the military is exploring alternative energy sources in Hawai’i should be a warning about how vulnerable and… Read more »

Fuse Yūjin: The Complete Withdrawal of the US Military from Ecuador: A Victory for Sovereignty and Peace in Latin America

Japan Focus has translated into English two important articles about anti-bases struggles.  Below is the second of two parts, ‘The Complete Withdrawal of the US Military from Ecuador: A Victory for Sovereignty and Peace in Latin America’ by Fuse Yūjin.   It gives an excellent overview of the campaign to oust the U.S. military base… Read more »

Kageyama Asako: Marines Go Home: Anti-Base Activism in Okinawa, Japan and Korea

Japan Focus has translated into English two important articles about anti-bases struggles.  Below is the first of a two part series in Japan Focus by Kageyama Asako.   It gives an excellent comparative analysis of the demilitarization struggles in Okinawa, Korea and Hokkaido. Part 2, ‘The Complete Withdrawal of the US Military from Ecuador: A… Read more »

Documents confirm 1959 Japan-U.S. secret meeting over court case

Did the U.S. interfere with the outcome of a trespass case in Japan where in 1959 protesters were accused of trespassing on a U.S. military base slated for expansion?  After a district court in Tokyo acquitted the protesters on the grounds that the U.S. bases were unconstitutional, secret meetings took place between the U.S. and… Read more »

Military may use stimulus money to start biofuel production in Hawai’i

Stimulating alternative sources of energy may be a good thing, but the question remains why is the military doing this?  If the government were to subsidize conversion of diesel vehicles for example, wouldn’t it stimulate the necessary demand to justify biofuel ventures?  The U.S. military is already the largest consumer of energy in the world,… Read more »