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Inouye should heed wind shift on earmarks EDITORIAL Inouye should heed wind shift on earmarks POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Mar 15, 2010 Members of Congress use earmarks to spend federal dollars on projects in their home states, and no one is more deft in doing so than Sen. Daniel Inouye. At some point, Inouye should prepare to accept guidelines issued by… Read more »

Cental Asia Pipeline Plan Begins to Emerge

Today Bruce Gagnon proposed the following theory about the real motives for a massive new Marine base in a remote part of Afghanistan – construction of an oil pipeline. >><< CENTRAL ASIA PIPELINE PLAN BEGINS TO EMERGE The Washington Post today introduces us this morning to a controversy over Afghanistan war strategy. The Post reports… Read more »

Clarify Futenma’s military role Sunday, Mar. 14, 2010 READERS IN COUNCIL Clarify Futenma’s military role By TONY DAVIES Tokyo The March 7 article “Emotionalized debate blurs valuable functions of Futenma,” by Dan Melton and Robert D. Eldridge [see below], characterized my statement that the U.S. Marine Corp Air Station at Futenma, Okinawa, “has not been operational since the… Read more »

New Earmark Rules Have Lobbyists Scrambling

Here is more from the New York Times on the proposed ban on earmarks to for-profit corporations.  In the article Daniel Inouye touts the development of the Predator killer drone as an example of a ‘successful’ earmark: As one example, supporters pointed to the earmarking of tens of millions of dollars in the 1990s to… Read more »

China’s ‘pearls’ spook Indian observers China’s ‘pearls’ spook Indian observers Viewpoint Thursday March 4th 2010 Le Monde’s Bruno Philip reports on how strategic Chinese construction projects are encircling India, raising fears that new facilities could be used by China for military purposes should a regional conflict erupt China is weaving a web of trade and maritime agreements around its… Read more »

Leaders in House Block Earmarks to Corporations

The House votes to block earmarks to for-profit corporations.  Senator Inouye, chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee criticized the ban.   The Project Kai e’e / UARC scandal at the University of Hawai’i and the Pacific Missile Range stems from earmarks abuses.   Leaving earmarks in place for nonprofits is also problematic because some of the same… Read more »

Organizing Against Empire: Where Left and Right Meet … Amicably March 1, 2010 Organizing Against Empire Where Left and Right Meet … Amicably By PAUL BUHLE Over a conference table at a Washington hotel on March 20, a couple dozen antiwar activists and intellectuals, yours truly included, met to hash out the beginnings of a most unusual movement. We wanted to end American war… Read more »

March 4 militancy led by women

Mahalo to Katy Rose for this link: >><< Monday, March 8, 2010 M4: Militancy led by women March 4th Movement: Militancy led by women exellent video! I just watched the video of the UC Davis. (Spoiler) the film shows students led by a woman activist marching down the I-80. She is watched by… Read more »

South Korea: Nationwide Protests Against US-ROK War Games

Mahalo to Sung Hee Choi for these reports on peace/anti-war/anti-militarism demonstrations across Korea in response to provocative U.S.-Republic of Korea joint military exercises. >><< Monday, March 8, 2010 Key Resolve, US-SK Annual War Exercise Starts in the Korean Peninsula on March 8 and Nationwide Protests against it, as Well * Image source: Solidarity for… Read more »

A Military Coup in Iraq? A Military Coup in Iraq? Thursday 04 March 2010 by: Raed Jarrar, t r u t h o u t | Report Twenty million eligible voters are invited to participate in this weekend’s parliamentary election in Iraq. The election, scheduled for Sunday March 7, will take place amid an wave of increased violence and… Read more »