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“These Guys Are Like Vultures”: profiteering from disaster “These Guys Are Like Vultures”: Profit-Driven Private Contractors Flocking to Haiti By Anthony Fenton, IPS News Posted on February 19, 2010, Printed on February 19, 2010 Private military contractors have quickly positioned themselves at the center of an emerging “shock doctrine” for earthquake-ravaged Haiti. VANCOUVER, Canada, Feb 19, 2010 (IPS) — Critics are concerned… Read more »

Strykers deployed until mid-2011 Posted on: Sunday, February 14, 2010 Strykers out of town until mid-2011 By William Cole Advertiser Columnist Did you catch sight of the Army Stryker vehicles heading down H-2 Freeway in late January? If you blinked, you missed them. Now they’re gone — for about the next year and a half. Keeping the vehicles… Read more »

Army to Discharge Single Mom, Rather Than Court-Martial Her Army to Discharge Single Mom, Rather Than Court-Martial Her Thursday 11 February 2010 by: Dahr Jamail, t r u t h o u t | Report Army Spc. Alexis Hutchinson with son Kamani Hutchinson. (Photo: Alexis Hutchinson / Oakland Tribune) On Thursday, February 11, Army Specialist Alexis Hutchinson, a single mother of an infant… Read more »

Hawaii-based Marines gearing up for major assault in Afghanistan Posted on: Friday, February 12, 2010 Hawaii-based Marines gearing up for major assault in Afghanistan By William Cole Advertiser Military Writer Hawai’i Marines battled with fighters on the edge of Marjah in southern Afghanistan this week as thousands of troops mass to attack the Taliban stronghold in what’s being called the biggest offensive since… Read more »

Japan eyes Northern Marianas for relocating 4000 U.S. troops Thursday, February 11, 2010 JAPANESE LAWMAKERS STOP OVER SAIPAN Relocation of up to 4,000 US troops to CNMI mulled By Haidee V. Eugenio Reporter Visiting Japanese lawmakers said yesterday they may recommend the relocation of 2,000 to 4,000 U.S. troops from the aviation units at Futenma in Japan to the CNMI, on top of… Read more »

Hedges: Zero Point of Systemic Collapse

The following article by Chris Hedges is like an apocalyptic-postmodernist-humanist-survivalist manifesto.  He raises interesting arguments and analysis about the futility of trying to save a corrupt and dying system and the need to create a new system.  He argues that we need to plan, prepare and implement strategies for a long period of survival, resistance,… Read more »

Haiti relief efforts becomes a commercial for the return of the Hawaii Superferry

The Honolulu Advertiser ran a story that featured the efforts of a Hawai’i engineer to help the relief and recovery in Haiti.   The article includes the following commercial for the return of the Hawai’i Superferry: He said one odd sight was the former Hawai’i Superferry Alakai in port to provide relief duty in Haiti. The… Read more »

Akaka Bill in trouble?

The so-called Akaka Bill, which would establish Native Hawaiians as a federally recognized native tribe under U.S. law and powers, has been strongly opposed by the Hawaiian Sovereignty movement.   The bill would place Native  Hawaiians under the Department of Interior and effectively extinguish claims to land and independence.   The bill would also exempt the U.S…. Read more »

America’s Shadowy Base World [Tom Dispatch] Tomgram: Nick Turse, America’s Shadowy Base World By Nick Turse Posted on February 9, 2010, Printed on February 10, 2010 Once is an anomaly; twice is the beginning of a pattern.  Right now, we’re seeing the same sequence of events for the second time in less than a decade, and it… Read more »

John Murtha, Pennsylvania’s “King of Pork” dies

John Murtha, a longtime hawkish congressman from Pennsylvania, dubbed the “King of Pork”, died at age 77.   His legend as a master of pork-barrel politics rivals that of Hawai’i’s Senator Daniel Inouye.   But now that Ted Stevens has been toppled from his throne in Alaska, and Murtha has died, Inouye is coming under greater scrutiny… Read more »