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Insulting China

Insulting China By Robert Dreyfuss The Nation: 02/01/2010 Just like Hong Kong, soon enough Taiwan — the so-called Republic of China — will be absorbed into China proper. It’s a goner. The sheer force of China’s gravitational pull will draw the island to the mainland. So what, exactly, is the Obama administration thinking? In… Read more »

Exorcising war’s demons, in poetry and prose Exorcising war’s demons, in poetry and prose By Elisabeth Bumiller / New York Times POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Feb 08, 2010 WASHINGTON — Brian Turner was focused on staying alive, not poetry, when he served as an infantry team leader in Iraq. But he quickly saw that his experience — “a year of complete… Read more »

Obama plan to increase militarization of Hawai’i

President Obama unveiled a proposed budget that includes a record $708 billion for the military. So much for freezing the budget. The military gets a special exemption. >><< Posted on: Tuesday, February 2, 2010 Obama plan could send more defense dollars to Isles By John Yaukey Advertiser Washington Bureau WASHINGTON — President Obama’s $3.8… Read more »

Hawaii Superferries to the rescue!

The Hawaii Superferry ships are fulfilling their military sea lift destiny in Haiti.  No doubt, this story will be used by proponents of the Superferry to argue for the ships to come back to Hawai’i. >><< High-Speed Ferry Ships to Support Haiti Relief Story Number: NNS100127-24 Release Date: 1/27/2010 8:17:00 PM By Adrian Schulte,… Read more »

Jamail: When scholars join the slaughter

The following announcement of a two-day colloquium on National Security Studies was forwarded to me.  It looks like an attempt to recruit language specialists, anthropologists and other social scientists into the service of the national security / military state.   Articles about the deployment of psychologists and anthropologists in counterinsurgency warfare have been posted on this… Read more »

Obama freezes government spending, but not for the military!

In his State of the Union address, President Obama committed to ending the war in Iraq:  “Make no mistake: this war is ending, and all of our troops are coming home.” “All of our troops”?  We’ll see about that.  He didn’t say anything about the military bases in Iraq, nor about the military contractors. More… Read more »

CINCPAC doing spin control on Nago mayoral election

In this article from the AP published in the Marine Times, Admiral Willard, the new Commander of the Pacific Command tries to downplay the significance of the Nago mayoral elections, where an anti-base candidate won over the pro-base incumbent. >><< PaCom boss: Vote not setback to moving Futenma Audrey McAvoy – The Associated Press… Read more »

News from Jeju anti-bases struggle: Police raided peaceful sit-in, people arrested, injured

Here are some dispatches about the South Korean police raid of the Gangjeong village protest against a Navy base. This is on Jeju Island in South Korea, a world designated peace island. But the Korean Navy wants a Navy base.  This is widely understood to be a base that will be used by U.S. aegis… Read more »

Superferry craft Haiti-bound Posted on: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 Superferry craft Haiti-bound Advertiser Staff One of two high-speed catamarans built for Hawaii Superferry is being sent to Haiti to help with relief efforts following the devastating earthquake. The U.S. Department of Transportation said the Huakai is among five ships owned or controlled by the federal Maritime Administration… Read more »

EMERGENCY: The Police Raid the Gangjeong Village, Jeju, South Korea

Jeju is a small island off the coast of South Korea. It is known for its beautiful volcanic landscape and semi-tropical climate, abundant seafood and strong tradition of peace activism.  The island is designated as a world peace island. But the Korean government wants to build a navy base on the island, which activists believe… Read more »