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Okinawa: Another village fights against U.S. military base expansion

There has recently been much attention focused on the conflict between the U.S. and Japan over the relocation of Futenma air station from Ginowan city to Henoko/Oura.  However, there is another base expansion in Takae, in the north of Okinawa that threatens rain forest habitat to many of Okinawa’s rare species. Download the Voice of… Read more »

Obama wants mo’ money for the war – another $33 billion Just What We Need: More Pentagon Spending by Winslow T. Wheeler, January 16, 2010 The Associated Press ran a January 12 article leaking some details about a new spending supplemental for the Defense Department in 2010. DOD will get another $33 billion to pay for President Obama’s surge of additional Soldiers and Marines to… Read more »

Shimojijima islanders protest possibility of U.S. military base

The new ruling party in Japan is trying to uphold its campaign pledge to reject relocation of Futenma Marine base to Henoko in Okinawa.  The new government is scouting alternative sites, including small offshore islands such as Shimojijima.  But residents of Shimojijima are protesting even the aerial inspection of their island by a top official. … Read more »

Nairn: “Obama Has Kept the Machine Set on Kill” “Obama Has Kept the Machine Set on Kill”–Journalist and Activist Allan Nairn Reviews Obama’s First Year in Office In an extended interview, award-winning journalist and activist Allan Nairn looks back over the Obama administration’s foreign policy and national security decisions over the last twelve months. “I think Obama should be remembered as a great… Read more »

Yemen: The Latest U.S. Battleground Yemen: The Latest U.S. Battleground Stephen Zunes Chair of Mid-Eastern Studies program at the University of San Francisco Posted: January 8, 2010 05:10 PM The United States may be on the verge of involvement in yet another counterinsurgency war which, as is the case in Iraq and Afghanistan, may make a bad situation even… Read more »

Federal Government considering listing False Killer Whales as endangered or threatened

The federal government is considering listing the Hawai’i population of false killer whales as an endangered or threatened species. Such a listing would create additional protections for this species from harmful longline fishing activities.  The listing may also trigger regulations that restrict Navy sonar training, which can disorient or even kill marine mammals. >><<… Read more »

US military bases “an obstacle to peaceful long-term relations between the United States and other countries”

Influential international columnist William Pfaff dares to ask “the question no U.S. official dare ask”:  “Has it been a terrible, and by now all but irreversible, error for the United States to have built a system of more than 700 military bases and stations girdling the world? Does it provoke war rather than provide security?”… Read more »

Former Assistant Secretary of Defense cautions U.S. regarding Okinawa

Joseph Gerson of the AFSC Cambridge office sent along the following NYT op-ed by Joseph Nye, former Assistant Secretary of Defense, cautioning the U.S. in its approach to handling the dispute over military bases in Okinawa: Throughout the Clinton era, Nye was the driving force in U.S. policy toward Asia, and before Obama appointed a… Read more »

Is Blackwater CEO ‘graymailing’ the U.S. Government? Is Erik Prince ‘Graymailing’ the US Government? By Jeremy Scahill December 4, 2009 The in-depth Vanity Fair profile of the infamous owner of Blackwater, Erik Prince, is remarkable on many levels–not least among them that Prince appeared to give the story’s author, former CIA lawyer Adam Ciralsky, unprecedented access to information about sensitive, classified… Read more »

U.S. threats to Yemen – another imperial war? Patrick Cockburn: Threats to Yemen prove America hasn’t learned the lesson of history Extraordinarily, the US is making exactly the same mistake as in Iraq and Afghanistan Thursday, 31 December 2009 We are the Awaleq Born of bitterness We are the nails that go into the rock We are the sparks of hell He… Read more »