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Abercrombie defends $3.5 million earmark for a company owned by his campaign co-chair

Why is the Army occupying agricultural lands that can be farmed for biodiesel?  Why can’t the community use these lands to increase food security? >><< Posted on: Friday, December 4, 2009 Candidate defends $3.5M earmark Advertiser Staff A company co-founded by one of U.S. Rep. Neil Abercrombie’s gubernatorial campaign co-chairs received a $3.5 million… Read more »

U.S. presses Japan to resolve Okinawa base dispute ‘expeditiously’

The U.S. is trying to bully the new government in Japan into accepting the expansion of the military base in Henoko. >><< Friday, December 4, 2009 U.S. presses Japan to resolve Okinawa base dispute ‘expeditiously’ By Blaine Harden and John Pomfret Washington Post TOKYO — U.S. Ambassador John Roos said Friday the Obama administration… Read more »

Militarization of humanitarian aid to Afghanistan

Democracy Now! ran an interview with Lex Kassenberg, Director of CARE International’s efforts in Afghanistan since 2006, who discussed the danger of humanitarian aid becoming more militarized in the wake of Obama’s decision to expand the war.  The fears are well founded.  As Jeremy Scahill reported in a Nation article about covert operations in Pakistan… Read more »

Abercrombie in spotlight for military pork

Congressman Abercrombie has come under scrutiny for his military earmarks.  The CBS news first highlighted Abercrombie’s  $3.5 million earmark to Pacific Biodiesel to grow fuel for the Army.  The founder of Pacific Biodiesel is the co-chair of the Congressman’s gubernatorial campaign.  But as Dave Shapiro points out in the Honolulu Advertiser, Congresswoman Hirono actually was… Read more »

More on Obama’s War, protest in Honolulu, ‘think tankers’, and the ‘good’ empire that doesn’t seek ‘global domination’

This afternoon at the Federal Building in Honolulu, around 40 people turned out on short-notice to demonstrate against President Obama’s decision to expand the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan.  The response from the passing motorists was very positive with many honks and shaka signs.  With the growing public opinion against the U.S. war in Afghanistan,… Read more »

Inouye and Akaka support expanding war in Afghanistan Inouye and Akaka support plan for Afghanistan Abercrombie and Hirono say it deserves closer examination By Richard Borreca and Leila Fujimori / Star-Bulletin POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Dec 02, 2009 Hawaii’s two U.S. senators, Daniel Inouye and Daniel Akaka, are in strong support of President Barack Obama’s plan to add 30,000 troops to the… Read more »

Obama’s War: he told us “yes we can” end the war, but he either can’t or won’t

During the Presidential campaign, Obama rallied millions in America who hungered for change with catchy, uplifting slogans: “yes we can”, “change we need”, and “hope”.  For anyone who believed him to be some kind of savior, President Obama’s speech at West Point should be a sobering wake up call.    Obama announced his  “comprehensive, new strategy… Read more »

Revealing Hawaiian ‘secrets’, facilitating Hawaiian acquiescence

In July 2009, Chinook helicopters whisked a group of Kanaka Maoli leaders to Makua valley, purportedly to visit cultural sites and gain an understanding of the Army’s cultural preservation efforts.  As the choppers descended on the valley from the sea, you could imagine Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries over the signature slow, dull thud of… Read more »

Maine air base closes, the last in New England

The Honolulu Star Bulletin carried a story from the AP about the closing of a military base in Maine: The two last planes at Maine’s Brunswick Naval Air Station lifted off Saturday in blustery winds, ending nearly 60 years of maritime patrol operations at New England’s last active-duty military air base. New England will have… Read more »

U.S. troops engaged in military operations in the Philippines

After U.S. bases were evicted from the Philippines in 1991, the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. and the so-called Global War and Terror created an opportunity for the U.S. to establish new “lily pad” bases and resume military activities in the Philippines.   Filipino activists and scholars have warned that the Visiting Forces Agreement that allows… Read more »