Posts Categorized: Uncategorized

More money for war, but not for education

With Hawai’i about to undergo its third furlough day, which has been catastrophic for public schools, the military is asking more money for war.   Time to refund education and defund the war! >><< Pentagon Expected to Request More War Funding By ELISABETH BUMILLER Published: November 4, 2009 WASHINGTON — The nation’s top military officer… Read more »

U.S. offers Taliban 6 Provinces for 8 Bases?

This article was originally posted on and has been circulating on many conservative blogs as ‘proof’ of Obama’s weakness and appeasement.     It is difficulty to assess the reliability of the source.   If the story is true that the U.S. offered a power sharing arrangement with the Taliban in exchange for 8 U.S…. Read more »

Community organizes to oppose expansion of Navy bombing range in N. Carolina

Navy’s proposed expansion of bombing range threatens outdoorsmen, endangered species by Fred Bonner It seems like the U.S. Government never stops trying to take over more land in North Carolina for one reason or another. If it’s not land (as in dry land) it’s our air space or our waters. A few weeks ago when… Read more »

Understanding North Korea Understanding North Korea For years, East Bay activists have been trying to influence US policy toward North Korea. Finally, Washington may be listening. By Kathleen Wentz As a longtime peace activist and progressive, Christine Ahn was used to being on the ideological fringe. But even she wasn’t prepared to be red-baited and called a… Read more »

Stealing a Nation: the U.S. military occupation of Diego Garcia

This award winning documentary by British journalist John Pilger reveals the conspiracy between the U.S. and the U.K. to remove the entire population of Diego Garcia, an atoll in the Chagos archipelago, an Indian Ocean British colony, to make way for the construction of a massive U.S. military base.  Diego Garcia is now one of… Read more »

Mumia Abu-Jamal: From Bases to Bars – The Military & Prison Industrial Complexes Go ‘Boom’

From Bases to Bars The Military & Prison Industrial Complexes Go ‘Boom’ By Mumia Abu-Jamal Looking back to the halcyon days of the movement against the Vietnam War, one sees the birth of what seemed to be a new world. Every day, one could almost see and touch giant boulders crumbling off the edifice of… Read more »

Contamination clouds future of Umatilla Chemical Depot Contamination at Umatilla clouds land-use issue By Richard Cockle, The Oregonian October 31, 2009, 7:10PM HERMISTON — With the Army on track to destroy the last of the deadly mustard agents at its Umatilla Chemical Depot in 2011 and return the sprawling property to public use, developers from ports to tribes are drawing up… Read more »

“Intellectually bankrupt” system – earmark losers complain about Inouye

Oh, the irony! An air logistics company from Hawai’i seeking a $20 million earmark from Senator Inouye complains about the unfairness of the process when they are passed over. >><< Earmark applicant’s complaint fuels critics Passed over for funding, group cites inequities By Bryan Bender, Globe Staff | October 29, 2009 WASHINGTON – They… Read more »

Obama signs defense bill with pork for Hawai’i

Pres. Obama signs the FY2010 Defense Authorization Bill, which seems to include some of Rep. Abercrombie’s U.S. worker preferences and prevailing wage provisions for jobs related to the military expansion on Guam.  Interesting that a hate crimes bill was tacked on to the military authorization bill.   It would be interesting to know the four military… Read more »

Ex-Marine, foreign service official resigns over war in Afghanistan

Another diplomat resigns in protest over U.S. wars, this time the war in Afghanistan.   Matthew Hoh, a former Marine and a rising star in the diplomatic corps said his resignation was “based not upon how we are pursuing this war, but why and to what end.” >><< U.S. official resigns over Afghan war Foreign Service… Read more »