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U.S. seeks two Navy bases in Panama, after Panama kicked out the bases years ago

Puerto Rican scholar and activist Deborah Santana just sent me news of U.S. plans to establish two Navy bases in Panama. The article is in Spanish, but I took an excerpt from Deborah’s email summarizing the article: This news just got reported in the Mexican daily La Jornada. Unfortunately I don’t have time to translate… Read more »

New party sweeps elections in Japan – What does it mean?

In a recent election, Japanese voters ousted the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and brought to power what had been the main opposition party, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ). This is the first time that the LDP has not ruled, and it raises many questions about the prospects for the future of Japan, including… Read more »

U.S. troops in the Philippines – “Embedded Danger”?

Editorial Embedded danger Philippine Daily Inquirer First Posted 00:55:00 10/02/2009 The death of two American soldiers in Sulu last Tuesday refocuses the nation’s attention on the need to revisit the Visiting Forces Agreement. The agreement has been so loosely interpreted by both the Philippine and American governments as to provide carte blanche for US forces… Read more »

Two U.S. soldiers killed in Jolo, Philippines

2 US soldiers killed in Jolo Attack spurs call for VFA scrapping By Julie Alipala Inquirer Mindanao First Posted 01:02:00 09/30/2009 ZAMBOANGA CITY-Two American soldiers and a Filipino Marine were killed early Tuesday in an explosion that went off as a US military vehicle passed in Barangay Kagay, Indanan, Sulu. Lt. Col. Romeo Brawner, Armed… Read more »

Anti-military protest erupts at Okinawa Prefecture Hall

Anti-military protest erupts at Okinawa Prefecture Hall Date Posted: 2009-09-24 Peace groups, protesters and demonstrators opposed to Futenma Marine Corps Air Station have very vocally taken their case to the Okinawa Prefecture Hall. “Let’s not make new military bases on Okinawa,” shouted many of the peace activists as they shouted, sang, raised their fists and… Read more »

Inouye and McCain clash over C-17 funding

Boeing C-17 vote delayed amid furor McCain move to kill program draws supporters’ fire. By Kristopher Hanson, Staff Writer Posted: 09/29/2009 07:25:37 PM PDT Lawmakers delayed a final vote Tuesday on efforts to extend production of Boeing’s C-17 following a rancorous debate during which Sen. John McCain introduced an amendment to kill the program supporting… Read more »

Inouye Not Giving Up – Putting Pork Past the Pentagon September 25, 2009 Inouye Not Giving Up Superficial analysis of the DOD Appropriations bill, now being debated by the Senate, has led some to assert that the Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee’s Defense Subcommittee, Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii, has lessened pork spending in the bill. Some even assert that Inouye is giving President Obama… Read more »

U.S. troops open fire in the Philippines Shooting by American troops lawful-military By Tarra Quismundo Philippine Daily Inquirer Posted date: September 20, 2009 THE PHILIPPINE military maintained Saturday that American soldiers acted within the bounds of the law when they fired their machine guns in self-defense following an explosion believed targeted at them at the Jolo pier in Sulu on Monday…. Read more »

Toxic Chemicals at Vieques: Is U.S. Accountable?

Wednesday, Sep. 16, 2009 Toxic Chemicals at Vieques: Is U.S. Accountable? By Tim Padgett When Hermogenes Marrero was in Marine boot camp, he recalls being the only recruit who didn’t panic during simulated-chemical-warfare drills. “I’d sit there calmly with my gas mask on,” Marrero says, “while a lot of other guys got scared and ran… Read more »

Sovereignty advocates disrupt Akaka Bill presentation

Who speaks for Hawaiians? A meeting on the Akaka Bill reveals a divided community By Alan D. Mcnarie Wednesday, September 16, 2009 10:30 AM HST “We don’t want nobody to give huhu,” said ILWU business agent Wallace Ishibashi. “We agree to disagree on that issue….” “That issue” was the Akaka Bill, which would set up… Read more »