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Need to Veto Inouye’s Pentagon Pork

This analysis was posted on the Center for Defense Information website. It exposes and is critical of Senator Inouye’s tricky maneuvering to reinsert the F-22 program into the Defense Appropriations Bill. >><< September 16, 2009 More on the Need for Veto of Pentagon Pork The porkers in the Senate appear to be heeding Obama’s threat… Read more »

Afghanistan: What Are These People Thinking? Afghanistan: What Are These People Thinking? Conn Hallinan | September 10, 2009 Editor: John Feffer Foreign Policy In Focus One of the oddest – indeed, surreal – encounters around the war in Afghanistan has to be a telephone call this past July 27. On one end of the line was historian Stanley Karnow,… Read more »

NYT article on Hawai’i renewable energy plans

This is something that environmental, economic justice and peace activists have said for a long time: Hawai’i needs to be more energy self-sufficient. And we have the natural resources for it, but there hasn’t been the political will or capital to make it a reality.  Closing and converting the infrastructure of military bases to research,… Read more »

Mental health program to aid Guard, Reserves

Mental health program to aid Guard, Reserves By Helen Altonn POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Sep 13, 2009 Mental Health America of Hawaii is launching a program called “Healing the Trauma of the War” to address combat stress, depression and other needs of returning National Guard soldiers and Reservists. “We’re going to do a review of… Read more »

Schofield soldier dies in barracks

Nathan Spangenberg sent this lighthearted picture to his mother, Lois Spangenberg, when he was deployed in Iraq in 2007. Courtesy of lois spangenberg Tucson GI made it through Iraq duty, died in barracks By Carol Ann Alaimo Arizona Daily Star Tucson, Arizona | Published: 09.11.2009 The Army is investigating the death of a Tucson soldier… Read more »

Defense appropriations subcommittee led by Inouye increases war funding 20%

As reported in the Washington Post, Senator Inouye pushed for more funding for C-17s: In a separate action Wednesday, the subcommittee joined the House in adding funds to the appropriations bill to purchase an additional 10 C-17 transport airplanes. The Obama administration has said it does not need the planes. “We expect that in re-examining… Read more »

Big U.S. Bases Are Part of Iraq, but a World Apart

Source: Big U.S. Bases Are Part of Iraq, but a World Apart Johan Spanner for The New York Times. At the Subway at Joint Base Balad, workers from India and Bangladesh make sandwiches for American soldiers. MARC SANTORA Published: September 8, 2009 JOINT BASE BALAD, Iraq – It takes the masseuse, Mila from Kyrgyzstan,… Read more »

American Militarism on Steroids posted September 03, 2009 10:48 am Tomgram: William Astore, American Militarism on Steroids Here’s what Cheryl Bartholomew, described as an “Omaha Early Childhood Parenting Examiner,” wrote recently about an event happening at Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Nebraska, for the local affiliate of the national web portal “The Offutt Air Show, Defenders… Read more »

Students need to be able to make informed decision on military service

VIEWPOINT: Students need to be able to make informed decision on military service By ANN PITCAITHLEY POSTED: September 2, 2009 The federal No Child Left behind Act of 2001 contains a little-known provision that threatens the federal funding of any school refusing to turn over the personal contact information of students in grades 7 through… Read more »

Military pays company to screen reporters

Posted on: Sunday, August 30, 2009 Media, military ties rocky 3-day symposium focuses on ways to improve relationship By John Milburn Associated Press FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kan. – A reporter died with George Custer at the Battle of Little Big Horn, but the days of such a close kinship between journalists and military officers seem long… Read more »