Posts Categorized: Uncategorized

Senators Have Ideas for Cutting the Military Budget

Robert Naiman, Policy Director for Just Foreign Policy, wrote an article for the Huffington Post that outlines several legislative initiatives that seek to cut the military budget, including foreign bases: You can see that senators have ideas for cutting the military budget from the list of amendments filed in the Senate to the National Defense… Read more »

Arundhati Roy: “The People Who Created the Crisis Will Not Be the Ones That Come Up With a Solution”

In a Truthout interview Arundhati Roy: “The People Who Created the Crisis Will Not Be the Ones That Come Up With a Solution”, the acclaimed author and social visionary interprets and analyzes the significance of the Occupy Movement: AR: I don’t think the whole protest is only about occupying physical territory, but about reigniting a… Read more »

Rivals under the same heaven

President Obama used the backdrop of the November 2011 APEC summit in Honolulu to unveil his foreign policy ‘pivot’ to the Asia-Pacific region, then traveled to Australia where he announced the expansion of U.S. military exercises and bases there.  Recently, Secretary of State Clinton wrote an article in Foreign Policy entitled “America’s Pacific Century”, where… Read more »

Navy wants the two Hawaii Superferries

When the community rallied to oppose the fast-track of the Hawaii Superferry back in 2007, we began to raise concerns about the military interests driving the venture.  Corporate and public officials dismissed the concerns as paranoid rantings.   But diligent research by Lance Holter and others surfaced many connections between the Hawaii Superferry prototype and… Read more »

Call for solidarity to save Takae forest in Okinawa!

The Okinawa Outreach blog posted news and an action alert about an escalating situation in Takae in Northern Okinawa.  The U.S. military uses the area as a jungle warfare training area and is attempting to expand the base, including construction of a new helipad.  The local residents have been blocking construction and holding vigil.  The… Read more »

America’s Pacific Century?

Mahalo to Noelani Arista for pointing out this article by Tina Gerhardt, “America’s Pacific Century?”, which explains many of the trade issues surrounding the APEC, Trans-Pacific Partnership and related trade agreements in the Asia Pacific region.  It gives a good explanation of the impacts of the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement: A Harbinger of Things to… Read more »

Clinton convoy in paint attack in Philippines

U.S. empire was also confronted by demonstrators in the Philippines, where protests threw red paint on Clinton’s convoy and clashed with security forces. The convoy was forced to detour: Protesters clashed with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s security detail near the Malacañang Palace Wednesday, forcing her convoy to detour, an Agence France-Presse photographer on… Read more »

Obama on U.S. military expansion in Australia: “We are here to stay”

The New York Times carried another article about Obama’s decision to expand the U.S. military presence and activity in Australia as part of its containment of China.  U.S. imperial arrogance is on full display. Also, the article also touches on the the new types of military basing arrangements that we are more likely to see… Read more »

U.S. to expand its military presence in Australia

On his trip to Australia, U.S. President Barack Obama announced that the U.S. will expand its military footprint in Australia, but insists it is not intended to counter China in any way. Yeah, right. President Barack Obama insisted Wednesday that the United States does not fear China, even as he announced a new security agreement… Read more »

One Veteran’s Rough Path from Killing and Torturing to Peace

Check out this article about military whistleblower Evan Knappenberger and his journey from wanting to kill in revenge for 9/11 to speaking out against the crimes of the government: One Veteran’s Rough Path from Killing and Torturing to Peace By davidswanson – Posted on 15 November 2011 Not yet 30, Evan Knappenberger has already lived… Read more »