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Analysis of the Hawai’i Statehood plebiscite reveals major flaws

Arnie Saiki, who has been researching the Hawai’i statehood issue has posted some analysis of the demographics of the 1959 statehood plebiscite at One of the great myths of statehood is that the vast majority of Hawai’i residents favored statehood.   But as Saiki writes “Examining the assertion that 94% of Hawaii’s citizens voted for… Read more »


JULY 4th: VICENZA INDEPENDENCE DAY Appeal: on the eve of G8 everybody come to Vicenza On the eve of G8 and the arrival of Obama in Italy the “No Dal Molin” invite everyone to Vicenza to free Dal Molin from the new war base. “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for… Read more »

Appeal to Support Okinawa!

From: norman kaneshiro <> Subject: Okinawa needs OUR help… To: “Norman Kaneshiro” <> Date: Thursday, May 7, 2009, 9:24 AM Hello All: The details for this message will be long, so I’ll cut to the chase. I was just sent a news video from 5/5/09 that shows the escalation of an ongoing struggle in northern… Read more »

Puerto Rican Independentistas arrested for civil disobedience in U.S. Congress

(original article in Spanish follows the English translation) Independentistas who disrupted U.S. Congress are arrested Six Puerto Ricans demand with civil disobedience in the House of Representatives freedom for Puerto Rico By José A. Delgado/ May 6, 2009 WASHINGTON – Singing “Oubao Moin” (note: in indigenous Caribbean language means “Land of Blood” —… Read more »

Military using citizenship to bribe immigrants to enlist,0,5003914.story Army extends immigrant recruiting Pilot program seeks to boost the ranks of language and healthcare specialists by offering citizenship. By Alexandra Zavis and Andrew Becker May 4, 2009 The lanky 19-year-old from South Korea has lived in the Southland since he was 9 years old. He is as comfortable speaking English as his native… Read more »

11 arrested blocking Stryker deployment from Washington Tuesday, May 5, 2009 – Page updated at 03:37 AM 11 arrested near Fort Lewis trying to block Strykers headed for Afghanistan By Sandi Doughton Seattle Times science reporter Eleven people were arrested Saturday night trying to block a convoy of Stryker military vehicles from Fort Lewis in protest of the wars in Iraq… Read more »

Landlord sues Superferry over rent

Looks like the Hawai’i Superferry skipped town without paying rent for its harbor facilities.   Their landlord is suing them. Brad Parsons, a blogger who has closely tracked and analyzed the Superferry fiasco had this to write: Saturday, April 25, 2009 They’re not comin’ back? Well, this is interesting. The first shoe drops. How about the… Read more »

Vicenza Councilwoman testifies in Congress against US military base

Citizens from Vicenza, Italy, opposed to a new U.S. military base testify before Congress FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 22, 2009 CONTACT: Stephanie Westbrook, 202 320 0752 WHAT: Vicenza City Councilwoman testifies before Congress on behalf of Italian citizens opposed to a new U.S. military base in Vicenza, Italy WHEN: 10 am, April 23, 2009 WHERE:… Read more »

California cities ban military recruiters initiating contact with youth

Humboldt cities take on military recruiting — and U.S. Published Sunday, Apr. 19, 2009 ARCATA – David was sitting in a coffee shop when he first got the idea to take on Goliath. The “David” in this story has a last name of Meserve. The “Goliath” is less metaphorically known as the United States… Read more »

Court of the Conqueror Writes Another Legal Fiction

Court of the Conqueror Writes Another Legal Fiction April 20, 2009 · No Comments By J. Kēhaulani Kauanui, Ph.D. On March 31, 2009, the Supreme Court of the United States (S.C.O.T.U.S.) issued its ruling in the case of State of Hawaii v. Office of Hawaiian Affairs, et al. The state of Hawai‘i asked the high… Read more »