Posts Categorized: Uncategorized

Killing ‘Geronimo’ over and over again

In my previous post about the killing of Osama bin Laden and the reaction by many Americans, I lamented how: The jubilation over the killing of bin Laden reminded me of the grisly trophy photos of lynchings with leering faces and tortured black bodies, much like the torture photos to emerge from Abu Ghraib prison… Read more »

Grieving for our Full Humanity

“He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.” – Friedrich Nietzsche, “Beyond Good and Evil”, Aphorism 146 (1886) When the news broke  that U.S. special forces have killed Osama bin Laden, U.S…. Read more »

New UH-military partnership symptomatic of the militarization of education

The AP reports that the University of Hawai’i and the Pacific Command are forming a partnership: The University of Hawaii and the U.S. Pacific Command have agreed to work together in the areas of health care, alternative energy, water and waste management. University President M.R.C. Greenwood and Pacific Command Commander Adm. Robert F. Willard are… Read more »

The African ‘Star Wars’; Are We Still on an Imperial Planet?

Helpful analysis about events in Africa and the U.S. anxiety about China. First from Asia Times reporter Pepe Escobar writing an op ed for Al Jazeera. The second article “China as Number One?” by Tom Englehardt from Tom Dispatch.  It follows his earlier article “Sleepwalking into the Imperial Dark.” He is not as concerned about… Read more »

Two updates on Jeju island resistance to military base expansion

MacGregor Eddy writes on Facebook group Save Prof Yang and Sung Hee-Choi of Jeju Island that Professor Yang has been released on June 1 on probation. He had been on a hunger strike for more than 50 days but is now taking food. The South Korea (ROK) is building a Naval base destroying the lovely… Read more »

Is U.S. military relief effort Operation Tomodachi really about friendship?

A post on the Japan Today blog asks: “Tomodachi?” Friends? To many Japanese living near U.S. military bases, the bilateral “friendship” has seemed more like a prolonged occupation. Will Operation Tomodachi make friends of them, and turn their sullen resistance into gratitude? It’s the biggest ever U.S. humanitarian mission in Japan – 20,000 troops, 113… Read more »

Tomgram: Rebecca Solnit, “The Butterfly and the Boiling Point – Charting the Wild Winds of Change in 2011”

Rebecca Solnit a San Francisco Bay Area activist, artist, geographer and contributor to TomDispatch wrote a beautiful and hopeful article analyzing the wave of uprisings and revolutionary unrest sweeping the Arab world and theorizing about the “unexpected” and “chaotic” nature of revolutionary phenomena, like butterfly wings fluttering in Brazil, changing the weather in Texas… The… Read more »

Sleepwalking into the Imperial Dark / Will the US extend the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan

In August 2010, when President Obama announced to much fanfare:  “Consistent with our agreement with the Iraqi government, all of our troops will be out of Iraq by the end of next year,” did anyone really believe him? Earlier this month, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited Iraq and raised the possibility of U.S. troops… Read more »

Libya Conflict Highlights NATO’s Imperialist Mission

SOURCE: Libya Conflict Highlights NATO’s Imperialist Mission Saturday 26 March 2011   by: Joseph Gerson, t r u t h o u t | News Analysis Having launched its Libyan regime change war to oust the Qaddafi dictatorship from the United States’ German-based Africa Command, the Obama administration this week arranged to continue its… Read more »

“Unfamiliar Fishes”

Scott Crawford sent the following email that I wanted to pass along. Sarah Vowell just published a novel entitled “Unfamiliar Fishes”, which is set in Hawai’i. In her dry witty way she exposes America’s “orgy of imperialism” in 1898: You gotta watch this…—sarah-vowell-extended-interview-pt–1 We’ve seen Sarah Vowell on The Daily Show before, and enjoy… Read more »