Posts Categorized: Events & Action

Film and panel about Hawaiian national hero Joseph Nawahi

Biography Hawai’i: Joseph Nawahi Time: October 7, 2009 from 6pm to 9pm Location: Kamakakuokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies, UH Manoa Event Description: On October 7th from 6-9 at Kamakakuokalani (Center for Hawaiian studies) there will be a film showing of the recently made documentary on Joseph Nawahi, followed by panel discussion w/ Filmaker Victoria Knuebuhl,… Read more »

Hoomanao (Remember): The Massie Case and Injustice, Then and Now

Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i, University of Hawaiʻi Mānoa Office of Multicultural Student Services present Hoomanao (Remember) The Massie Case and Injustice, Then and Now UH Manoa Architecture Auditorium Wednesday, October 21, 6 pm to 8 pm A nationwide sensation in 1931 – 32, the notorious Massie Case served as a touchstone for race, class,… Read more »


Call to action from World Can’t Wait Microsoft Word – October 17 color poster SURGE THE RESISTANCE – NOT THE WAR! JOIN THE PROTEST MARCH on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 3pm END U.S. WARS, OCCUPATIONS, AND TORTURE FOR EMPIRE! Gather near the Atkinson entrance to Ala Moana Park for a permitted street march. Bring signs and… Read more »

Protest of Stryker and other live-fire training at Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA)

Press Release Monday, Oct. 5, 2009 Protest of Stryker and other live-fire training at Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA) Saturday, Oct. 10, 2009 Mauna Kea State Park There will be a peaceful protest l0AM Saturday Oct. l0th at Mauna Kea State park –l mile east of the Pohakuloa main gate on Saddle Road. (Car pools will… Read more »

Waikane Valley Restoration Advisory Board Meeting

Waikane valley was used by the military for live fire training during WWII until the 1970s.   According to the lease, the military was supposed to clean up the unexploded ordnance and return the land in its original condition when they left.  Instead, the Marine Corps condemned the land from the Kamaka Family.  After many years… Read more »

Women’s Vigil for Peace and Solidarity

In Solidarity with the 7th International Network of Women against Militarism (INWAM) Meeting: Guahan Hafa Adai, my name is Angela T. Hoppe-Cruz. I am a Chamoru woman born and raised on the island of Guahan, now residing in Makaha. The INWAM formed in the mid 1990’s in response to the rape of a young Okinawan… Read more »

Israeli Teenagers Say NO to the Israeli Occupation

Announcement from World Can’t Wait Hawai’i: Israeli Teenagers Say NO to the Israeli Occupation Monday, September 21, 2009 UH-Manoa Architecture Auditorium 7pm The “Why We Refuse” Tour is a national tour of two Israeli women who have come to the United States to speak about their experiences as conscientious objectors in the Israeli army. Maya… Read more »

International Week of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space – October 3-10, 2009

International Week of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space – October 3-10, 2009 Modern warfare, such as the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan and attacks on Pakistan, uses Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and GPS-guided bombs. Directed by space satellites, and remotely controlled far from the battlefield, these weapons are responsible for massive civilian casualties. In… Read more »

Military Recruiter “Opt Out” Requests due Sept. 15

News Release Department of Education State of Hawaii Contact: Sandra Goya Telephone: 808-586-3232 Date: August 25, 2009 Military Recruiter “Opt Out” Requests due Sept. 15 The federal No Child Left Behind Act requires the DOE to provide names, addresses, and telephone numbers (including unlisted numbers) of secondary students to military recruiters when requested. Secondary school… Read more »

September 11, Town Hall Meeting

Town Hall Meeting Friday, September 11 Center for Hawaiian Studies 6-7pm: tables & social hour; 7-9 Town Hall Meeting Featured guest speaker: Larry Everest, author of “Oil, Power & Empire”; independent journalist on Middle East affairs; frequent appearances on radio and TV (including Democracy Now); contributor to Revolution Newspaper for 30 years. Organized by World… Read more »