Posts Categorized: Events & Action

Action Alert: TOMORROW Protect Farm Land in Lualualei!

Action Alert:  Protect Farm Land in Lualualei! Wai’anae may lose valuable farm land in Lualualei if the proposed draft of the Wai’anae Sustainable Communities Plan (WSCP) is adopted by the Honolulu City Council.  The present draft of the WSCP would result in a loss of agricultural land and threaten to open the door to future… Read more »

Protect Kahoolawe Ohana: All Our Aloha in One Kanoa

Stopping the bombing – 20th Anniversary September 25, 2011 9:30 am to 4:30 pm Ka Papa Lo’i o Kanewai – 2645 Dole Street Protect Kaho‘olawe ‘Ohana rededicates itself to Kaho‘olawe  (Kānewai, O‘ahu). The Protect Kaho‘olawe ‘Ohana (‘Ohana) will host All Our Aloha in One Kānoa on Sunday, September 25 from 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM… Read more »

Waikane and Hickam Restoration Advisory Boards Meetings

1.  The Waikane Valley Restoration Advisory Board Meeting will be held Wednesday, September 21st, from 7:00-9:00 pm at Waiahole Elementary School.  This is the RAB that advises on the clean up of the parcel of land that was owned by the Kamaka family until it was condemend by the Marine Corps due to the unexploded… Read more »

Peace Day Event Calls for Ending Missile Testing in the Pacific

For Immediate Release              Contact:     Kyle Kajihiro 808-988-6266 Peace Day Event Calls for Ending Missile Testing in the Pacific Hawai’i Peace and Justice  (formerly the American Friends Service Committee Hawai’i Program) will sponsor a talk by a renowned peace activist to commemorate International Peace Day. MacGregor Eddy will speak about “Peace In… Read more »

Peace in the Asia Pacific Conference, October 21-22, 2011, Washington D.C.

There will be an important conference about Peace in the Asia Pacific region, featuring leaders from Chinese government and civil society, peace movement leaders from Japan, Korea, Guam, Hawaiʻi and many leading scholars and activists. Ikaika Hussey from Hawai ʻi Peace and Justice and DMZ-Hawaiʻi / Aloha ʻĀina will be representing Hawaiʻi and speaking about… Read more »

Keep Space for Peace Week: International Days of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space, October 1 – 8 2011

The Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space is calling for local groups to organize actions against the militarization of space.   They have organizing tool kits online for organizing your own action.   Check it out! Keep Space for Peace Week International Days of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space   October 1… Read more »

Will DLNR approve Army helicopter training on Mauna Kea?

The staff of the State of Hawai’i Department of Land and Natural Resources is recommending approval of an Army request for a permit to conduct high altitude helicopter training on the sacred mountain Mauna Kea.  The Honolulu Star Advertiser reports: State Department of Land and Natural Resources staff is recommending approval of a month’s worth… Read more »

Ka La Ho’iho’i Ea 2011

From We encourage the observance and celebration of La Ho’iho’i Ea everywhere Hawaiians tread the ‘AINA… Please join us, Sunday July 31st 2011 ( @ Thomas Square in Honolulu), to celebrate and honor our ancestors, our history, our sovereignty and our unending fight for justice. La Ho‘iho‘i Ea, celebrated from 1843 to 1893, commemorates… Read more »

Helicopter training on Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, Army-Native Hawaiian convenant and more military housing

The Army wants to conduct helicopter training exercises on Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa.   Jim Albertini of Malu ‘Aina issued the following call to oppose the Army’s High Altitude Mountainous Environment Training (HAMET) on the slopes of the sacred Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa.  The Army had conducted these helicopter training exercises in the past… Read more »

Nuclear Radiation Workshop: Demystifying the Science & Uncovering the Lies

Nuclear Radiation Workshop Demystifying the Science & Uncovering the Lies *Alpha * Beta * Gamma Radiation* *Rads * Rems * Sieverts * Becquerel * *Cesium-137 * Iodine-131 * Strontium-90* *Depleted Uranium * Plutonium* *Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation* *Exposure vs Dose*  Risk Models* *Latent and Long Term Effects* *Atomic Physics * Nuclear Fuel Cycle* *Nuclear… Read more »