Conrow: Toxic Shadows

Mahalo to Joan Conrow and Jimmy Trujillo for having me on their KKCR radio program “Out of the Box” to discuss military environmental contamination in Hawai’i.   Joan wrote a post on her blog about the conversation.


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Musings: Toxic Shadows

The high-pitched whine of aerials last night and a couple of pre-dawn
firecrackers this morning served as warning of the fireworks free-for-all in
store tonight. Koko isn’t keen on snap, crackle, ka-boom and pop, so we¹ll
dig out of here before things get too wild and she turns into a trembling,
slinking, miserable little pup.

Then come tomorrow, we¹ll see the remains of the frenzy in the red paper,
pieces of wire and other debris littering the roads, yards and beaches,
washing into the ocean, settling on the reef.

It seems that everything connected with the military, even the observance of
our nation¹s independence, has its toxic residue.

Kyle Kajihiro, program director of the American Friends Service Committee
and DMZ Hawaii, and Bob Nichols, a journalist in the San Francisco Bay Area,
outlined the extent of the military’s dirty footprint on Hawaii on the
recent KKCR show that Jimmy Trujillo and I hosted.

The U.S. has some 161 military facilities throughout the Hawaiian Islands,
and as Kyle noted, they create “a toxic shadow that affects the surrounding
communities.” Hawaii has 800 to 1,000 military-contaminated sites, many of
them around Pearl Harbor.

While the contaminants at these sites all have environmental and human
health implications – none of them good – what I found especially alarming
was the revelation that the military also has introduced so-called “depleted
uranium,” or DU, to the Islands.

For a more thorough understanding of just what this is all about, check out
Bob’s article on the radioactive uranium that American weapons have
unleashed in Iraq. The piece won a 2005 Project Censored award.

When weapons made with uranium components are shot or exploded, they create
Uranium Oxide Dust (UOD). And as Bob explained on the radio show, the
particles are so tiny, they can penetrate our skin and clothing, even
protective gear that is intended to prevent radiation exposure.

Kyle said that documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act and
through litigation indicate the military engaged in classified weapons
testing in Hawaii, including the Davy Crockett, one of the smallest nuclear
weapons ever built.

These weapons were possibly used at the Army’s training facilities at Makua
on Oahu, the island of Kahoolawe (which served as a bombing target for some
50 years) and the Big Island’s Pohakuloa, where “DU” has been detected.
Additionally, Kyle said, evidence has come to light that the Army used
weapons with uranium components at Schofield, also on Oahu.

“This goes against what the Army has said for many years,” he said. In other
words, the military has consistently denied using these materials in Hawaii
– until it got busted and the truth was revealed.

But just because the military’s dirty little secret is now public doesn’t
mean that anything has changed. Kyle has attempted to learn more about the
extent of radioactive contamination by filing numerous FOIA requests.
They’ve all been ignored by the military, which is meanwhile seeking permits
to avoid cleaning up its radioactive mess.

And that raises a key question: can microscopic particles that are easily
blown about by the wind ever be cleaned up? And even if they could be, how
much is being re-introduced by the troops and equipment returning from Iraq,
where we know this stuff has been used?

That leads to another question: what is UOD doing to the health of American
troops, the people of Iraq and the citizens and visitors of Hawaii? Bob said
these particles cause cancer wherever they settle in the body, and other
maladies as well.

But the military is using the same strategy of denial it followed when
confronted with veterans sickened by Agent Orange – tested years ago in
Wailua and used extensively in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia – and suffering
from Gulf War syndrome.

What¹s more, Kyle said Hawaii’s Congressional delegation has expressed
absolutely no interest in the DU issue, and a bill that would have called
for DU monitoring in areas around military installations died quietly in the
state Legislature.

Meanwhile, even though the military has made numerous messes in Hawaii, most
of which have never been cleaned and likely never will, it is still seeking
to expand its presence in the Islands, especially on Kauai, which I wrote
about for the Honolulu Weekly.

And why? Who is the big enemy we¹re facing? It’s not Russia any more, and
China could bring us to our knees simply by refusing to buy any more of our

Our huge standing military, and the activities it’s carrying out all around
the world, is costing taxpayers a fortune. It¹s also taking a huge toll on
human lives, both our own soldiers, who are killed and maimed in combat and
committing suicide at unprecedented rates, and the civilian populations that
are increasingly being targeted.

So on this, the day set aside to celebrate America’s freedom from the
tyranny of the British colonial power, it seems appropriate to re-examine
the true price we’re paying for having the world’s largest military and
remember the words of John Quincy Adams:

“We are friends of freedom everywhere, defenders only of our own.”
Posted by Joan at 1:02 PM

Wai’anae youth promote Environmental Justice

On June 22, the AFSC launched a new project to train youth from the Wai’anae community in environmental justice organizing skills. The project is called Ka Makani Kai’aulu o Wai’anae.

Ten Wai’anae youth will be enrolled in four weeks of intensive training, political education, field investigations and community organizing to address the environmental injustice issues in their community.

For more information see the Ka Makani Kai’aulu o Wai’anae project page.

Op Ed: Army doesn’t need Makua Valley for live-fire exercises

June 19, 2009

Army doesn’t need Makua Valley for live-fire exercises

Troops have trained elsewhere for years; other option needed

By David Henkin

“Let them train!” has been the rallying cry of Sen. Daniel Inouye and others who want the Army to resume live-fire exercises in Makua Valley.

It’s an emotionally compelling plea. Who would want to send our young men and women into battle without adequate preparation?

Unfortunately, it’s a highly charged, even deceptive, plea that serves to deflect attention from the real issue. It’s not whether the Army should train, but where.

Is a valley sacred to Hawaiians the best place to fire mortars and artillery – activities that have already damaged petroglyphs and other ancient cultural sites there?

Is the home to nearly 50 endangered and threatened species the best place to fire tracers and illumination rounds – the same weapons that have already sparked hundreds of fires, destroying the native forest and threatening rare plants and animals with extinction?

Is an area just three miles from Makaha’s homes and businesses, across the street from a public beach, the best place to stage a mock battle – using very real weapons and live ammunition?

Many don’t think so, which is why Malama Makua and Earthjustice have spent 11 years in court to compel the Army to give an honest accounting of the price we pay when soldiers train at Makua and to explore alternatives that would accomplish the Army’s mission without sacrificing Makua’s cultural and biological treasures.

The Army’s recently released environmental impact statement confirms Makua is not the only option. The Army admits it would be both feasible and reasonable to conduct its training at Pohakuloa on the Big Island, with much less risk of environmental damage. Indeed, the Army has already been using Pohakuloa to train troops for deployment and has emphasized the added benefit of giving soldiers based on O’ahu a realistic opportunity to practice deployment.

The Army has not trained at Makua since June 2004, and has conducted no live-fire training there in eight of the last 11 years. Yet even without Makua, it has successfully prepared its soldiers for battle.

How can Army officials, or Sen. Inouye, validly claim Makua is essential when the military’s own actions over the past decade have proven otherwise?

Quite simply, they can’t, because it isn’t.

Makua, which was pressed into service following the attack on Pearl Harbor, has had its day. As Congressman Neil Abercrombie has pointed out, based on his years of service on the Armed Services Committee, Makua is best suited for training soldiers for the trench warfare characteristic of WWI, not to meet the needs of the 21st century.

Makua was never intended to be a permanent training site. The Army promised to return it upon the cessation of hostilities with Japan, but 64 years later, the people of Hawai’i are still waiting.

Of the options identified under the EIS, Makua Valley and its resources are the most fragile, vulnerable and irreplaceable. Yet the Army has chosen Makua as its preferred alternative for the highest conceivable level of training, employing some of its most destructive weapons.

While we might expect this sort of environmental and cultural insensitivity from the Bush administration, it’s not a good fit with Hawai’i-born President Obama, who has a special understanding of the Islands.

But no matter who occupies the White House, using Makua Valley as a mock battleground doesn’t make sense. Not when Makua is unique – but its training opportunities are not.

Yes, let them train. But there’s no need to sacrifice Makua to do it.

David Henkin is a Honolulu-based Earthjustice attorney who has been involved with the Makua case since 1998. He wrote this commentary for The Advertiser.

Demonstration against Military Occupation of Waimanalo

Please support this action by the Waimanalo residents to resist the military build up in their c0mmunity.

On 6/18/09 8:05 AM, “iwalani keliihoomalu” <> wrote:


We are organizing a peaceful demonstration of protest. We the positive re-action along with other soverign groups will be coming together to take a stand. We will be excercising our right to say enough is enough. The health center is our place that provides us and continues to service and meet our needs. We have been in discussion with them to release a portion of land that they do not need but chooses to excercise the authority of power to keep us oppressed and seperate us from the land of our inherent birth right. The choice to continue to flaunt it and continually push their military authority is a misuse of their authority antagonizes the whole situation. Which instigates a reaction. Join us in an effort to take a stand and say not in waimanalo and not at the waimanalo health center. We will be in front on Kalanianaole Hwy across from Bellow Air Force Base to hold signs and let them know we do not agree and there is something wrong in their decision. We will be parking on mauka side in Bellows and using Tinker Road as a cross walk to hold signs. We will be there from 9:00 am- 1:00pm. Bring chair, water and your message. I can be reached at 954-7124.

Aloha kakou,
Mabel Ann & Solomon C. Spencer Jr. & Kawehi Kanui Gill

Who : Waimanalo community
What: “Peaceful Demonstration of Protest”
When: June 27, 2009 Saturday
Time: 9:00 am – 1 pm
Where: In front of Bellow’s Air Force Base on Kalanianaole
Why: To support the Waimanalo Community in protest of the closing of our bellow beach and the return of our Native lands.

Join us and take a stand and add your voice in support.

—–Original Message—–
From: May Akamine
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 6:04 PM
To: All Staff
Subject: Signs in Back of Waimanalo Health Center

All Staff –

Just want you to know that a contractor from the military posted 2 “No Trespassing” signs behind our clinic- see attached photos. Please leave the signs as is; please do not deface it; do not remove it, etc. But, please feel free to continue to walk/work in our Garden.

I will be contacting the military PR liaison Major Crouch, w/ cc to our Board of Directors, our Waimanalo Neighborhood Board Chair Kekoa Ho, Representative Chris Lee, etc. to find out what is going on. I’ll get back to you all when I get more info. Mahalo for your cooperation.

signs-by-waimanalo-health-ctr-adult-clinic-6-17-091 signs-by-waimanalo-health-ctr-garden-6-17-091

Aloha –
May Akamine, RN, MS
Executive Director
Waimanalo Health Center
41-1347 Kalanianaole Hwy
Waimanalo, HI 96795
Personal Line: (808) 954-7107
Cell: (808) 225-9614
Clinic Phone: (808) 259-7948
Fax: (808) 259-6449 <>

Why We Must Protect Makua Valley

Mahalo nui to Kehau Watson for this positive editorial calling for protection of Makua.

Why We Must Protect Makua Valley

June 14th, 2009 by Trisha Kehaulani Watson

“E mālama i ka makua, he mea laha ‘ole.”

Mary Kawena Pukui explained this ‘ōlelo no‘eau to mean “parents should be cared for, for when they are gone, there are none to replace them.” To Hawaiians, Mākua Valley in Wai‘anae represents our parents; Mākua is a kinolau or physical body form of the parents of all Hawaiians. A particularly sacred place, or wahi pana, the protection of Mākua remains as of vital import to Native Hawaiians as the protection and caring for our human parents. The occupation and desecration of Mākua is both a physical and spiritual offensive against the residing indigenous people of this land.

Mākua’s rich history extends back as many as thirty-five generations, as early as the 8th century. Mākua houses a rich spiritual history that reflects its deep significance to the Hawaiian people. Even today, as one stands in the valley, hō‘ailona appear regularly to those who help mālama Mākua. Whether in the form of clouds, timely and pointed winds (called makani, a Hawaiian word also meaning ghost or spirit), or images that appear in the mountains or valley floor, signs or hō‘ailona serve as telling reminders of the powerful spirituality of Mākua.

In 1977, renowned anthropologist Marion Kelly would lead a study on Mākua for the Bishop Museum that collected extensive interviews and documents on Mākua that served as one of the first studies to respectfully include the spiritual history of a place. Kelly’s study now serves as a vital repository for the cultural and social history of Mākua. In her study, she places strong emphasis upon folklore and spiritual knowledges.

References of this second and spiritual form of knowledge or being can be commonly found in certain parts of our language. Specifically, in concepts like ‘ike pāpālua, or second sight or knowledge. Mary Kawena Pukui defines this term as “To see double; to have the gift of second sight and commune with the spirits; supernatural knowedge.” This references the idea that knowledge or understanding for Hawaiians came in part from a spiritual realm or from akua, the gods. Another similar concept is ‘ike pāpālua, or second form. Pukui explains this term: “to have a dual form, as the demigod Kama-pua‘a, who could change from man to hog.” Mākua served as home to a similar figure, the mo‘o of Mākua.

In heavy rains, the mo‘o come down the stream from Ko‘iahi to meet her boyfriend, the shark from Kāneana Cave. When the stream flows strong, it breaks through the sand beach and flows into the sea. The mo‘o goes into the sea and goes on the big rock next to the blow hole at the Wai‘anae end of the beach. The rock is called Pōhaku-kū-la‘i-la‘i. On this rock, she would turn herself into a beautiful princess and call to him. The shark would come out of Kāneana Cave through the undersea channel and swim out to the blow-hole. He would then turn into a man, and he and the princess would make love. When they were ready they would go to live in the stream. And when the water is green the mo‘o is in the stream. When it is clear she is not. No swimming is allowed when the mo‘o is in the stream.

Another important part of Mākua was the cave, known to local residents as “Kaneana Cave.” One woman recollects: “And my father was there to oversee when they opened the cave. And my father said, ‘His human form of [Kaneana] is still up on that hill, and he watches for you when you go to the beach to go swimming, or to try and catch fish. He can change himself to a shark and come and get you and bring you in that cave and eat you.'” Mākua remains particularly alive with traditions that speak to the natural resource management of the area. Yet, mo`olelo were also used to teach proper behavior.

A resident recollects about the lessons she learned at the cave in Mākua.

The entrance of that cave is out by the long reef they call Papaloa. And she has an opening underneath. If you go way out to the end, and you just stand like that, you will see a big opening. And he enters through there, and he can have anyone that treats him mean. That is where he takes them, down below. If you ever entered that cave, you will see the water. Down below, there’s a pool. We were made to crawl into that cave, and we didn’t want to go. Just to teach us a lesson we went. And when we went, and the time he took his captives all in there, and then he killed them, the blood. And it [the cave] is a beautiful thing. And the only thing that got me scared was the sharks (sic) head. It was a big sharks (sic) head right on the stone. I don’t know if ______. [Dad said,] “Pretty soon you’ll be one of them, lady, because of your big mouth.” I have a bad temper, and in that cave I kept my mouth shut. Now you crawl out. That is how he gets out and changes into a man. Lot of the old folks and the children named him if we disobeyed. We were not as fussy then. No, no, we do it, we do it.

The lessons present in traditional folklore also contained social values and community norms. Mākua teaches us about our culture and our history, as a parent does its child.

Story-telling and cultural narratives speak to history, contemporary norms, resource management, essentially every aspect of life. When those narratives are silenced, entire histories can be effectively wiped away.

The military can no longer deny Mākua’s critical cultural and ecological importance. An alternative site for military activities and live-free training, which the Army is currently attempting to resume in the valley, must be found.


Makua EIS rejected by Malama Makua

Hawaiian group says EIS on Makua is not complete

By Mary Adamski

POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Jun 06, 2009

The Army said it will decide by early July to what extent it will resume live-fire military training exercises in Makua Valley. The training plan was part of an environmental impact statement released yesterday.

But Malama Makua, the nonprofit organization whose lawsuit forced the Army to halt exercises in the 4,190-acre Leeward valley, said it will be back in court to stop the Army again from resuming training because the environmental assessment is flawed and incomplete.

“We don’t share the Army view that this is a final copy,” said Earthjustice attorney David Henkin, who represents Malama Makua. “They don’t provide the legally required information,” Henkin said.

He said one example of insufficient assessment came in a “shellfish study” portion released by the Army Corps of Engineers in January. Intended to determine whether marine life that is consumed by people would be contaminated by minerals from military weaponry, the study only looked at two of the four marine categories required, and examined areas affected by sewage outfall pollution and urban runoff. “We hired experts to look at their study,” Henkin said. “I wrote a letter that they ought to withdraw this document.”

The Army favors using the Makua Military Reservation up to 50 days over a 242-day training year for infantry squad- and platoon-level exercises using multiple weaponry including missiles, rockets and illumination munitions. That is the highest usage among five alternatives assessed in the EIS. It would also allow up to 200 convoy live-fire exercises. “This alternative would allow the Army to train its units with maximum realistic training using critical weapons systems,” according to the EIS report.

“It will be Army leadership in Hawaii, in conjunction with leadership in Washington, D.C., who make the decision about how Makua is going to be used, if used at all,” said Loren Doane, public affairs officer for U.S. Army Garrison, Hawaii.

Doane said the Army prepared a list of all cultural sites within the valley as required by the federal court.

Relocating targets away from known cultural features is one of the “mitigation measures” listed in the EIS. Other public concerns about the damage and disturbance to natural resources and cultural sites, which came out in public hearings after the draft EIS was released in September, show up as “mitigation measures” to protect native plants, prevent soil erosion, deter brush fires and even minimize Army convoy effects on traffic.

The federal court ordered the Army to prepare an environmental impact assessment after Makua Malama filed suit in 1998 claiming that military use was harming natural and cultural resources. The Army agreed to halt live-fire training but was allowed to resume after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. It was halted again in 2005 until the EIS was completed.

“It is important for people to remember that … in all that time, soldiers have been trained, they have performed their tasks while receiving training elsewhere,” Henkin said. “Training at Makua is not the only place the Army has said it can accomplish its mission. People of Hawaii need to ask why the Army is pursuing the most destructive course of action.”


Makua Military training: “wasting lives, land, money, energy and resources”

Joan Conrow wrote on her blog about the Army’s recently released final EIS for live fire training in Makua valley:

Now if only the military would pack up and leave, too, instead of pressing ahead with its controversial, and contested, plans to conduct live fire training exercises among the endangered species and archeological sites of Makua Valley. And as The Advertiser reports, good old Sen. Dan – surprise! – is solidly on board, albeit shaky in his facts:

Inouye, a World War II combat veteran who lost his arm in battle, said the Army is a good neighbor and longtime member of the community.

Rep. Neil Abercrombie sees things a little differently:

“Makua as a training site was acquired in the wake of the Pearl Harbor attack in WW II and never intended to be permanent,” Abercrombie said. “Alternatives which match the training needs of a 21st-century Army are available.”

Sort of like how Kahoolawe, similarly acquired in WWII, was never intended to be a permanent bombing target. And some 50 years later, following intense public pressure, the Navy did finally beat it – leaving its devastation and unexploded ordnance behind.

What a waste. But then, that’s what the military is all about: wasting lives, land, money, energy and resources.

Right on!

Chalmers Johnson on the Cost of Empire

Chalmers Johnson on the Cost of Empire

Posted on May 15, 2009

By Chalmers Johnson

In her foreword to “The Bases of Empire: The Global Struggle Against U.S. Military Posts,” an important collection of articles on United States militarism and imperialism, edited by Catherine Lutz, the prominent feminist writer Cynthia Enloe notes one of our most abject failures as a government and a democracy: “There is virtually no news coverage-no journalists’ or editors’ curiosity-about the pressures or lures at work when the U.S. government seeks to persuade officials of Romania, Aruba or Ecuador that providing U.S. military-basing access would be good for their countries.” The American public, if not the residents of the territories in question, is almost totally innocent of the huge costs involved, the crimes committed by our soldiers against women and children in the occupied territories, the environmental pollution, and the deep and abiding suspicions generated among people forced to live close to thousands of heavily armed, culturally myopic and dangerously indoctrinated American soldiers. This book is an antidote to such parochialism.

Catherine Lutz is an anthropologist at Brown University and the author of an ethnography of an American city that is indubitably part of the American military complex: Fayetteville, N.C., adjacent to Fort Bragg, home of the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare School (see “Homefront, A Military City and the American Twentieth Century,” Beacon Press, 2002). On the opening page of her introduction to the current volume, Lutz makes a real contribution to the study of the American empire of bases. She writes, “Officially, over 190,000 troops and 115,000 civilian employees are massed in 909 military facilities in 46 countries and territories.” She cites as her source the Department of Defense’s Base Structure Report for fiscal year 2007. This is the Defense Department’s annual inventory of real estate that it owns or leases in the United States and in foreign countries. Oddly, however, the total of 909 foreign bases does not appear in the 2007 BSR. Instead, it gives the numbers of 823 bases located in other people’s countries and 86 sites located in U.S. territories. So Lutz has combined the foreign and territorial bases-which include American Samoa, the District of Columbia, Guam, Johnston Atoll, the Northern Marianas Islands, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Wake Island. Guam is host to at least 30 military sites and Puerto Rico to 41 bases.

Combining the two numbers is a good idea. Some of the most deplorable conditions in the American military empire exist in U.S. territories, notably in Puerto Rico, where the citizens fought a long battle to stop the naval bombardment of Vieques Island, and in Guam, where the government plans to relocate more than 8,000 Marines from Okinawa together with a $13 billion expansion of Air Force and Navy facilities. The result will be an almost 15 percent increase in Guam’s population, which will significantly exceed the capacity of the island’s water and solid-waste systems. (See “U.S. Military Guam Buildup Spurs Worry over Services,” San Diego Union-Tribune, April 12, 2009.) In the book under review here, Lutz also includes an essay on the state of Hawaii, with its 161 military installations (in 2004) covering 6 percent of the state’s land area (22 percent of the state’s most densely populated island, Oahu). The military is easily Hawaii’s largest polluter, including the secret use of depleted uranium ammunition at the Shofield range, evidence of which was uncovered in 2006.

It should be noted that the BSR for fiscal 2008 has been available since the summer of last year and it somewhat alters Lutz’s figures. It gives details on 761 bases in other people’s countries and 104 U.S. territories, which produces a Lutz total of 865. Such small variations from year to year have been typical of the American empire throughout the Cold War. Some 865 bases located in all the continents except Antarctica is not only a staggeringly large number compared even with the great empires of the past, but one the U.S. clearly cannot afford given its severely weakened economic condition.

Nonetheless, there has been no public discussion by the Obama administration over starting to liquidate our overseas bases or beginning to scale back our imperialist presence in the rest of the world. One must also remember that the BSR is an official source that often conflicts with other reports on the numbers of American military personnel located all over the world. It omits many bases that the Department of Defense wants to conceal or play down, notably those in Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel. For example, just one of the many unlisted bases in Iraq, Ballad Air Base, houses 30,000 troops and 10,000 contractors, and extends across 16 square miles with an additional 12-square-mile “security perimeter.”

One other subject that Lutz touches on in her introduction and that cries out for a book-length study is the political machinations that every American embassy and military base on earth engages in to undermine and change local laws that stand in the way of U.S. military plans. For years the United States has interfered in the domestic affairs of nations to bring about “regime change,” rig elections, free American servicemen who have been charged with extremely serious felonies against local civilians, indoctrinate the local officer corps in American militarist values (as at the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation at Fort Benning, Ga.), and preserve and protect the so-called Status of Forces Agreements that the United States imposes on all nations with U.S. bases. These SOFAs give our troops extraterritorial privileges such as freedom from local laws and from passport and travel regulations, and they absolve the U.S. from a country’s anti-pollution requirements, noise restrictions and environmental laws.

Mapping U.S. Power

The first essay in Lutz’s collection is by one of the few genuine veterans of military base studies, Joseph Gerson, the New England director of programs for the American Friends Service Committee. He is the editor (along with Bruce Birchard) of “The Sun Never Sets: Confronting the Network of U.S. Military Bases” (Boston: South End Press, 1991). His essay on “U.S. Foreign Military Bases and Military Colonialism: Personal and Analytical Perspectives” is particularly good on the hypocrisy and opportunism that imperialism imposes on our foreign policy, regardless of our intentions. For example, he notes, in the words of the American Declaration of Independence, the “abuses and usurpations” that King George III of England imposed on us though his “standing armies kept among us, in times of peace.”

Today the “abuses and usurpations” of American standing armies “include more than rape, murder, sexual harassment, robbery, other common crimes, seizure of people’s lands, destruction of property, and the cultural imperialism that have accompanied foreign armies since time immemorial. They now include terrorizing jet blasts of frequent low-altitude and night-landing exercises, helicopters and warplanes crashing into homes and schools and the poisoning of environments and communities with military toxins; and they transform ‘host’ communities into targets for genocidal nuclear as well as ‘conventional’ attacks.” When it comes to opportunism, Gerson notes that the Navy’s Indian Ocean tsunami relief operations of 2005 helped open the way for U.S. forces to return to Thailand and for greater cooperation with the Indonesian military.

John Lindsay-Poland’s essay “U.S. Military Bases in Latin America and the Caribbean” is informed by his extensive background in organizing and supporting struggles for the closure and environmental cleanup of U.S. military bases in Panama and Puerto Rico. His essay is comprehensive and historically detailed, although it appears to have been completed in late 2007 or early 2008 and some of the information has been overtaken by recent events. Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has refused to renew our lease on Manta Air Base when it expires in November 2009; and the U.S. Army’s 2005 attempt to woo Paraguay flopped. After the Americans are expelled from the Manta base in November the only physical facilities of the U.S. military in South America will be in Colombia.

In 2005 and 2006, the United States tried to seduce Paraguay into giving the U.S. a permanent base by sending several hundred soldiers to provide medical assistance and dig wells. As it turned out, these ancient ploys did not work. Suspicions of the American military’s motives were aroused throughout the cone of South America, and the local population pronounced itself fully capable of digging wells unassisted by foreign troops. Lindsay-Poland notes that the “medical attention [in Paraguay] was one-time only, and … U.S. personnel handed out unlabeled medicines indiscriminately, regardless of the differences in medical conditions.”

David Heller and Hans Lammerant have contributed one of the most useful essays in the volume on “U.S. Nuclear Weapons Bases in Europe.” Information on this subject is scarce and the U.S. press is frightened of reporting what little is available for fear of raising a taboo topic. Heller has been actively involved with anti-nuclear and anti-militarist campaigns in Britain, Belgium and other European countries since the early 1990s. Lammerant has long supported the Belgian branch of War Resisters International.

They reveal that there are today still an estimated 350 to 480 free-fall B-61-type tactical nuclear weapons in the territories of the NATO allies, compared with a maximum of 7,300 land, air, and sea-based nuclear weapons based in Europe in 1971. The bombs are housed at eight air bases in six NATO countries, all of which enjoy Bechtel-installed Weapons Storage and Security Systems, type WS-3. These devices are vaults installed in the floors within a “protective aircraft shelter” and allow for the arming of bombs and aircraft inside hangars, offering high degrees of secrecy and (supposedly) security. Heller and Lammerant note that the weapons based in Europe are “secret, deadly, illegal, costly, militarily useless, politically motivated, and deeply, deeply unpopular.” Before they were all withdrawn, ground-launched nuclear missiles were based at Greenham Common and Molesworth in Britain, Comiso in Italy, Florennes in Belgium, and Wuescheim in the former West Germany. Pershing II missiles were based at Schwaebisch-Gmuend, Neu Ulm, and Waldheide-Neckarsulm in West Germany.

One of the themes stressed by Catherine Lutz as editor of this book is the prominent role played by women and women’s organizations in resisting American military imperialism over the years. All of the chapters offer details on the contributions of women to anti-base resistance activities, particularly in the case of the nuclear bases in Europe. Following the U.S. decision to station nuclear weapons at Greenham Common in the south of England, local women created “Women for Life on Earth” and maintained a constant presence in front of the base from 1981 to 2000 (even though the nuclear weapons were secretly removed in 1991).

Heller and Lammerant conclude their essay with details on the early-warning radars, anti-missile bases, military hubs to support operations in Africa, and facilities extant or being constructed at Thule in Greenland, Vardo in Denmark, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Vicenza in northern Italy. On March 17, 2009, the Czech government rejected a proposal by the Pentagon to install a U.S. military radar base in the Czech Republic because the lower house of the Czech parliament seemed certain to vote against it.

Tom Engelhardt’s contribution, “Iraq as a Pentagon Construction Site,” is a cobbled-together version of two essays first published on TomDispatch, of which Engelhardt is editor. All source citations have been removed from the Lutz version, but readers can consult the original essays-“A Basis for Enduring Relationships in Iraq,” Dec. 2, 2007, and “Baseless Considerations,” Nov. 4, 2007.

The essays are tours de force on the construction of probably permanent American military bases in occupied Iraq and of the massive fortress– as large as the Vatican-in the Green Zone of Baghdad that is the “American Embassy.” Engelhardt’s work is a model of how to glean information from the public press on subjects that the American military is trying to keep secret. This is the best research we have to date on the bases in Iraq and the billions of dollars that flowed into the coffers of Halliburton Corp. to build them. (Truth in reporting: Engelhardt is the editor of all three of my books in the Blowback Trilogy.)

Global Resistance

Roland G. Simbulan’s “People’s Movement Responses to Evolving U.S. Military Activities in the Philippines” is a detailed analysis of how the United States has tried to get back into its former colony after the Philippine Senate voted on Sept. 16, 1991, to close all American military facilities and ordered U.S. troops to withdraw. Simbulan is a professor at the University of the Philippines and he played an active role in the “people’s power” movement that overthrew the dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos and led to the 1991 rejection of the bases treaty.

Simbulan is justified in calling his country’s active protests against the Americans and their domestic lackeys “the most vibrant social movement in Southeast Asia,” but he is at pains to stress that the Americans are unreconciled to their colonial defeat. They continue with unabated creativity to invent “visiting forces agreements” aimed at restoring the U.S. troops’ old extraterritorial privileges and “joint military exercises” against domestic criminal gangs such as the Abu Sayyaf bandits in Mindanao and other Islamic provinces of the southern Philippines.

After the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the U.S. has also tried to overstate the threat of Islamic radicalism in the Philippines, even though there has been a slow-burning insurgency by indigenous Muslims for over 20 years, and it has pressured the Philippine government to abandon the anti-nuclear weapons provisions of its 1987 constitution. Americans may also be implicated in a clandestine campaign of selective killings of political activists, peasant and trade union leaders, human rights workers, lawyers and church people “in a pattern that was strikingly similar to that of Operation Phoenix”-the terrorist exercise run by the CIA in Vietnam that took the lives of some 30,000 suspected members of the National Liberation Front. Simbulan has written an important analysis of why the Philippines seems unable to get out from under the shadow of the United States despite the victories of “people power” almost 20 years ago.

David Vine’s and Laura Jeffrey’s article entitled “Give Us Back Diego Garcia: Unity and Division Among Activists in the Indian Ocean,” is a lively treatment of the seemingly hopeless efforts of the indigenous people of the island of Diego Garcia to obtain some measure of justice. In 1964, they were expropriated and forcibly expelled by the British government at the insistence of the U.S. Navy so that it could turn the entire island into an American military base.

This essay builds on Vine’s important monograph “Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia,” Princeton University Press, 2009. Vine is a professor of anthropology at American University in Washington, D.C. Jeffrey holds a postdoctoral fellowship in anthropology at the University of Edinburgh. She has carried out ethnographic fieldwork among the Chagossians, the exiled people of Diego Garcia, now living in Mauritius and the United Kingdom.

In 1960, U.S. government officials secretly approached their British counterparts about acquiring the tiny island of Diego Garcia in the middle of the Indian Ocean as a site for a military base. By 1964, the United Kingdom agreed to detach Diego Garcia and the rest of the surrounding Chagos archipelago from its colony Mauritius and several island groups from colonial Seychelles to create a strategic military colony, the British Indian Ocean Territory. In a flagrant violation of human rights, Britain then removed the native inhabitants of Diego Garcia and Chagos, dumping them in Mauritius and Seychelles, 1,300 miles away, where they live today in abject poverty.

By 1973, the United States had completed the nucleus of a super-secret base that would grow faster than any other U.S. base since the Vietnam War. After the attacks of 9/11, the United States used Diego Garcia’s twin parallel runways, each over two miles in length, to launch its fleet of B-1, B-2, and B-52 bombers in its assault on Afghanistan, and its 2003 “shock and awe” campaign against Iraq. Diego Garcia also became the site of a secret CIA detention and torture facility for suspected terrorists.

According to John Pike, who runs the military analysis Web site, Diego Garcia lies at the center of American imperialist plans in case the nations of East Asia should decide that they have had enough of American military forces based on their territories. According to Pike, “[Diego Garcia] is the single most important military facility we’ve got.” The military’s goal, Pike says, is that “we’ll be able to run the planet from Guam and Diego Garcia by 2015, even if the entire Eastern Hemisphere has drop-kicked us from bases on their territory.” With characteristic hypocrisy, the Pentagon has named the Diego Garcia base “Camp Justice.”

Environmental Issues

Environmental and health issues have become the most important new focus in the long-standing conflicts between the U.S. military and civilian communities. Chief evidence is the victory of popular mobilization and civil disobedience against the Navy’s 60-year-long bombing of Vieques, a 51-square-mile island municipality six miles off the southeast coast of the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico. Katherine T. McCaffrey’s expert treatment of the four-year-long movement to force an end to the bombing of Vieques is one the most important pieces in Lutz’s anthology. The bombing of a Caribbean island inhabited by 10,000 American civilians also exposed Puerto Rico’s lack of sovereignty and the second-class status of its residents within the U.S. polity. Emphasis on environmental issues overcame the Puerto Ricans’ traditional reluctance to politicize their plight and created a broad popular movement that mobilized women and caused the Catholic and Protestant churches to join hands.

On April 19, 1999, the Vieques movement was further strengthened and united when it acquired a martyr. Two U.S. Navy F-18 jet aircraft traveling at supersonic speeds accidentally dropped two 500-pound bombs on the compound that the Navy used to survey the shelling. A civilian security guard, David Sanes, who was patrolling the area, was knocked unconscious and subsequently bled to death. The result was that civilians occupied the site for more than a year, causing the Navy to move its bombing range to North Carolina. Given their access to the site, the occupiers also discovered that the Navy was using depleted uranium ammunition on Vieques. In May 2003, the Navy was finally forced off the island. McCaffrey concludes, “After decades of secrecy surrounding its activities, the military is emerging as the single largest polluter in the United States, single-handedly producing 27,000 toxic-waste sites in this country.”

From Vieques, mobilization based on environmental and health concerns spread to the Navy-controlled island of Kahoolawe in Hawaii, where it was equally successful in forcing the Navy to pull out. Kahoolawe had been occupied and bombed by the U.S. Navy since the outbreak of World War II. Kyle Kajihiro’s essay “Resisting Militarization in Hawaii,” touches on this and other military issues in Hawaii. Kajihiro is the American Friends Service Committee’s program director in Hawaii, who since 1996 has been active in the Hawaiian sovereignty movement. His article is less a scholarly analysis of the popular protests against the huge military presence in Hawaii than a well-informed, impassioned brief for the rights of the Kanaka Maoli (native Hawaiians). Kajihiro also points out that for the first time since World War II, tourism is now a bigger part of the Hawaiian economy than the military installations. His essay is a valuable contribution to the comparatively small literature on the problems of militarism within the United States.

The essay by Ayse Gul Altinay and Amy Holmes, “Opposition to the U.S. Military Presence in Turkey in the Context of the Iraq War,” is important for three reasons. First, there is very little published on the bases in Turkey; second, Incirlik Air Base on the outskirts of Adana, Turkey, is the largest U.S. military facility in a strategically vital NATO ally; and third, the decision on March 1, 2003, of the Turkish National Assembly not to deploy Turkish forces in Iraq nor to allow the United States to use Turkey as an invasion route into Iraq was one of the Bush administration’s greatest setbacks. Public opinion polls in January 2003 revealed that 90 percent of Turks opposed U.S. imperialism against Iraq and 83 percent opposed Turkey’s cooperating with the United States. Nonetheless, major U.S. newspapers either ignored or trivialized Turkey’s opposition to U.S. war plans.

Altinay is a professor of anthropology at Sabanci University, Turkey, and the author of “The Myth of the Military Nation: Militarism, Gender, and Education in Turkey” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2004). Holmes is a doctoral candidate in sociology at the Johns Hopkins University and has written extensively on American bases in Germany and Turkey.

Turkey is not an easy place to do research on American bases. Some 41 percent of bilateral agreements between the U.S. and Turkey between 1947 and 1965 were secret. It was not known that the U.S. had stationed missiles on Turkish territory until the U.S. promised to remove them in return for the USSR’s withdrawing its missiles from Cuba. Incirlik became even more central to U.S. strategy after 1974. In that year, Turkey invaded Cyprus and the United States imposed an arms embargo on its ally. As a result, Turkey closed all 27 U.S. bases in the country except for one, Incirlik. As Altinay and Holmes write, “It is difficult to overemphasize the importance of the Incirlik Air Base for U.S. power projection in the Middle East, particularly since the early 1990s; for more than a decade, the entire Iraq policy of the United States hinged on Incirlik.”

My choice of the best article in the Lutz volume is Kozue Akibayashi’s and Suzuyo Takazato‘s “Okinawa: Women’s Struggle for Demilitarization.” The persecution of the native population of the island of Okinawa, Japan’s most southerly and poorest prefecture, by the American occupiers and the Japanese government since at least the Battle of Okinawa in 1945 has been told often and is reasonably well known in mainland Japan and among the U.S. armed forces. Akibayashi and Takazato expertly retell the essence of the story here, but what makes the article a standout is their emphasis on the mistreatment of Okinawan women and girls and their theoretically sophisticated conclusions.

Akibayashi is a researcher at the Institute for Gender Studies of Ochanomizu University in Tokyo. Takazato is one of the best-known activists in the struggle of Okinawan women to escape the threat of sexual violence by American military personnel. She is an elected member of the City Council in Naha, the capital of Okinawa, and one of the founders of Okinawa Women Act Against Military Violence, which was created in the wake of the gang rape on Sept. 4, 1995 of a 12-year-old Okinawa schoolgirl by two U.S. Marines and a sailor. The purpose of Takazato’s organization was to prevent a recurrence of attacks by the U.S. military on Okinawan women and to protect the young victim of Sept. 4 from unwanted publicity. The organization subsequently created the Rape Emergency Intervention Counseling Center in Okinawa, and has worked to end the U.S. military occupation of the island chain. Unfortunately, despite heroic efforts to get American military commanders to enforce discipline among their troops and strong representations to the Japanese government to take an interest in the plight of the Okinawans, little has changed. This has led Akibayashi and Takazato to two significant conclusions.

(1) “Integral elements of misogyny infect military training. …The military is a violence-producing institution to which sexual and gender violence are intrinsic. … The essence of military forces is their pervasive, deep-rooted contempt for women, which can be seen in military training that completely denies femininity and praises hegemonic masculinity.”

(2) “The OWAAMV [Okinawa Women Act Against Military Violence] movement illustrates from a gender perspective that ‘the protected,’ who are structurally deprived of political power, are in fact not protected by the militarized security policies; rather their livelihoods are made insecure by these very policies. The movement has also illuminated the fact that ‘gated’ bases do not confine military violence to within the bases. Those hundred-of-miles-long fences around the bases are there only to assure the readiness of the military and military operations by excluding and even oppressing the people living outside the gated bases.”

These two propositions-misogyny in the official education of American troops and hypocrisy in describing the benefits to locals of foreign military bases-are significant. I believe that they should inform future research on the American empire around the world to see if they can be verified in many different contexts and to further develop their various implications. Meanwhile, these erudite essays should cause Americans to reflect on the nature of U.S. imperialism just at the point where it is most probably starting to decline due to economic constraints and popular exhaustion with the wars and deaths it has caused.

Aidan Delgado Interviewed in the Hawaii Independent

The Peter Serafim did an interview with Aidan Delgado for the Hawaii Independent. Delgado is an Iraq war veteran and conscientious objector who will be speaking in Hawai’i this week. Here’s the intro to the article:

Aidan Delgado grew up in Thailand and Egypt, where his father was a U. S. Foreign Service staffer. In 2000 he returned to the United States to attend college. He joined the Army Reserve and signed his final enlistment document on September 11, 2001 – minutes before the terrorist attacks.

Delgado, a Buddhist, served as a truck mechanic and was part of the initial American invasion of Iraq in 2003. Because he spoke some Arabic, he also translated for his unit. Later he was stationed at Abu Ghraib prison.

He filed for conscientious objector status while in Iraq and continued to serve in the combat zone until CO status was granted and he was discharged 15 months later. He wrote about his experiences in “The Sutras of Abu Ghraib: Notes from a Conscientious Objector in Iraq.”

Delgado will be speaking on O‘ahu and the Big Island this month.

Read the full interview here.

Aidan Delgado:
Thursday, March 12, 7:30pm
Info: Dr. Marilyn Brown (933-3184) or Catherine Kennedy (985-9151).

Friday, March 13, 7:30pm
Church of the Crossroads
1212 University Avenue
Info: Revolution Books (944-3106)

Protest and healing ceremony at Pohakuloa

Here’s a report from Jim Albertini, one of the organizers on Hawai’i island resisting further militarization.    They recently organized an action up at Pohakuloa.  You can also view a video covering both the Pro-Hawai’i/Pro-Peace protest and the Pro-war protest here.


Aloha Kakou,

Approximately 50 Big Island residents gathered on Saturday, Jan. 3lst from l0AM till lPM at Mauna Kea Park, adjacent to the l33,000-acre military Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA). Troops were present at PTA but no live-fire was observed. The purpose of the gathering was twofold. First to conduct a healing ceremony for the ‘aina and second, to protest the ongoing military bombing, radiation contamination, desecration and occupation of the Hawai’i Kingdom. People brought ho’okupu (offerings) for the healing ceremony. Ali’i ai Moku, Paul Neves, of the Royal order of Kamehameha, brought his Halau who offered oli and hula as part of the ceremony. Kaliko Kanaele, a member of the Royal order and a long-time activist taught chants to those gathered about the importance of pulling together and bringing things to light. A number of people shared personal stories and thoughts on resistance. Protest signs at the gathering read: “Aloha ‘Aina –A Call to Action,” “Stop the Bombing,” “End U.S. Occupation,” “Make Peace–Work for Justice.” “The Kingdom Lives – Return Ceded Lands.” Throughout the gathering there was obvious military/police surveillance from vehicles in the park and adjacent military areas.

Throughout the ceremony and protest strong trade winds were blowing from Hilo so our gathering was fortunately upwind of the PTA base impact area. No above background readings were noted on several radiation monitors present unlike May 29, 2007 when winds were blowing directly off the PTA impact area toward Mauna Kea Park and citizen monitors recorded several spikes 4 times background levels.

People who came from Kona noted there was an American flag waving pro-war group of about 20 people at the PTA main gate area, located about l mile from Mauna Kea Park. Among those present was Andrew Walden, editor of the right wing now defunct Hawaii Free Press newspaper.

Following the healing ceremony, speakers, and a pani of shared food at Mauna Kea Park, several people carried the protest to the PTA main gate area. Protest signs were set up directly in front of the PTA main gate, across Saddle Road from the Pro-war demonstration. Ho’okupu from the healing ceremony were left on the triangle piece of land fronting the PTA main gate. Some exchange of thoughts took place across Saddle Rd, but all went peacefully.

The West Hawaii Today, Jan. 3lst newspaper ran an article saying that Army Col. Howard Killian will be giving a presentation to the Hawaii County Council Intergovernmental Relations Committee at l0:30AM on Tuesday, Feb. 3rd. on depleted uranium at the Pohakuloa Training Area. The article said, “the military recently completed tests to determine whether any of the material poses a threat to army personnel at PTA or residents. Although the tests won’t be made public until spring, military officials recently reported the tests determined no danger exists.”

This kind of statement about “no danger exists” is a military medical judgment. The military keeps repeating “no danger” with no data available for examination. We demand data on the radiation contamination, control data, etc. We want to know the extent of the radiation contamination and if DU penetrators have been used at PTA which we highly suspect. The military is trying to focus ONLY on DU Davy Crockett spotting rounds from the l960s. The military has a proven track record that it cannot be trusted to tell the truth.


Jim Albertini

Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action
P.O.Box AB
Kurtistown, Hawai’i 96760
phone: 808-966-7622
Visit us on the web at: