Posts Categorized: O’ahu

Environmental Racism in Wai’anae – “disposable humanity” in the “dumping ground of O’ahu”

On July 19th, the City and Count of Honolulu executed its sweep of more than 350 residents from the strip of land at Maili point known as “Guardrails”.   The majority of the persons evicted were Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian). Among the evicted were many women and children. Much of the news coverage has been biased… Read more »

Giant sea-based radar undergoes $7M repair

The giant sea-based X-band radar has reappeared in Pearl Harbor again for repairs. This expensive piece of hardware has been plagued by problems from the start, when it began to take on water and had to return to Pearl Harbor for repairs. As William Cole reports, the radar will get $7 million in repairs in… Read more »

OHA ‘drops the ball’ in protecting cultural sites from Stryker brigade

The Hawaii Independent has published an exclusive article about a formerly secret archaeological and cultural report contracted jointly by the Army and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) for areas affected by the Army’s Stryker Brigade expansion. The article states: The report, written by independently contracted archaeologist Christopher Monahan, comments on the Army’s numerous shortcomings… Read more »

Researchers report that chemical weapons dumped at sea are corroding but have not yet released toxic contents

University of Hawai’i researchers have concluded a three year research project to determine whether chemical munitions dumped at sea off O’ahu pose a threat to the health of humans or the environment. Documents disclosed by the Army in 2007 reported that approximately 16,000 munitions containing 2,558 tons of chemical agents were dumped at three deep-water… Read more »


RIMPAC exercises have been assaulting Hawai’i for the past two months.   The armed forces of fourteen other nations descended on Hawai’i to partake in what has been touted as the largest multinational military exercises in the world. What has RIMPAC brought Hawai’i? The world’s largest floating cocktail party?  According to a former Marine Corps public… Read more »

Wai’anae Environmental Jusice Bus Tour

10.7.24 EJ bus tour flyer july 24 The Concerned Elders of Wai‘anae hope you will join us on July 24th for the fourth Huaka‘i Aloha ‘Aina o Wai‘anae, an environmental justice bus tour. This is a unique opportunity to visit the moku of Wai‘anae and experience the rich history of this vibrant community and fertile… Read more »

Raptors “reach out and touch” the enemy

The Honolulu Star Advertiser reported that the first new F-22 Raptor jet arrived in Honolulu and became an obscene spectacle of militarism. Check out the photo by Craig Kojima depicting  a hula dancer “welcoming” the the phallic Raptor in the background. Speakers alluded to dangers in the Asia Pacific: Inouye said the Pacific “is now… Read more »

NPR story on America’s H-bomb explosion in space

Check out this scary story from NPR about the atmospheric nuclear tests conducted by the U.S. from Kalama (Johnston Atoll) approximately 800 miles from O’ahu.   I have heard stories of people watching the “light show”.   I wonder what the fallout may have been and if it had health affects. There were several nuclear test shots… Read more »

Military lied about convoy stranding

As I pointed out in a previous post, it appears that the military made up the story about there being an auto accident on Farrington Highway and about being directed by Honolulu Police Department to make a U-turn that took them onto the beach.   This was nothing more than a joyride by armored vehicles where… Read more »

RIMPAC electromagnetic interference jams remote garage door openers, but Navy feigns ignorance

The invasion of Ke Awalau o Pu’uloa (Pearl Harbor) by ships, aircraft and personnel for RIMPAC exercises, the largest multinational war exercises in the world, may be causing a mysterious epidemic of dysfunctional remote garage door openers in Honolulu.  The Honolulu Star Advertiser writes: Mary Abe came home from a workout and shopping, pushed the… Read more »