Posts Categorized: O’ahu

USS Port Royal grounding details emerge

Posted on: Sunday, July 12, 2009 Navy ship grounding detailed By William Cole Advertiser Columnist Here are a few more details of the Feb. 5 grounding of the guided missile cruiser Port Royal in 14 to 22 feet of water off Honolulu International Airport’s reef runway. The Advertiser ran a story Tuesday about the grounding… Read more »

Waimanalo wants Air Force to return Bellows land

Board asked to seek Bellows land A proposed resolution claims the Air Force no longer needs 400 acres and should give it up By Kaylee Noborikawa POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Jul 12, 2009 Some Waimanalo residents are calling for the U.S. Air Force to return about 400 acres from Bellows Air Force Station because the… Read more »

Wai’anae Aunties Expose Illegal Dump site

The Concerned Elders of Wai’anae, one of the core groups of the Wai’anae Environmental Justice Working Group, discovered and reported an illegal dump site in Wai’anae.  It appears that construction and demolition debris has been dumped in a remote corner of land near the Lualualei Naval Magazine on Department of Hawaiian Home Lands land.  Ka… Read more »

Waimanalo Wants Bellows Back

I liked this post by Kehau Watson on the community struggle to reclaim Waimanalo from military control and abuse. Waimanalo Wants Bellows Back July 9th, 2009 by Trisha Kehaulani Watson I’ve never written about the same topic twice, until now. My first blog on Bellows last week provoked a number of colorful responses on the… Read more »

Rally for Kahana Residents

Terri Keko’olani sent out this call for support on behalf of Kahana residents: Aloha kakou… Got a call from Lena, Kahana Valley leader of residents seeking permanent long term leases. She said residents are organizing a DEMONSTRATION at the state CAPITOL on JULY 8, WEDNESDAY 11am to oppose Govenor Lingle’s move to veto bill HB… Read more »

City official says Mailiili Stream “was not used as a dump site”

A City official said that the illegal dumping of concrete debris in Mailiili Stream was to create a “temporary path”.  But they dumped this material over the course of two years!  Take a look at this photo below.  How temporary does it look to you?  The City did not obtain the required permit to dump… Read more »

City Dumps Debris in Wai’anae Stream

Carroll Cox of EnviroWatch reported the City and County of Honolulu’s illegal dumping of concrete debris in Mailiili Stream in Wai’anae. On June 30, 2009, Cox spoke to students from the summer environmental justice institute Ka Makani Kai’aulu o Wai’anae and gave a tour of environmental justice impacts he has documented in the Wai’anae area.  … Read more »

Wai’anae youth promote Environmental Justice

On June 22, the AFSC launched a new project to train youth from the Wai’anae community in environmental justice organizing skills. The project is called Ka Makani Kai’aulu o Wai’anae. Ten Wai’anae youth will be enrolled in four weeks of intensive training, political education, field investigations and community organizing to address the environmental injustice issues… Read more »

808 Urban Mural Making Day at Palama Settlement

MURAL MAKING DAY Monday, July 6th 1pm Palama Settlement Potluck, bring a dish We ready to Paint the mural 808 Urban Malama Hale Project will be making a mural about hawaiian independence and sovereignity. It will be displayed at palama settlement and mayor wright homes. SPONSORED by 808 Urban Malama Hale Project, John Hina and… Read more »

Construction halted to protect Hawaiian temple

…And back to a local fight where a developer apparently began clearing an area without proper permits damaging Hawea heiau, one of the few remaining Hawaiian temple sites in East Honolulu.  It appears that the community won a small reprieve with the City stopping construction.  But the more troubling question is “Where was the State… Read more »