Posts Categorized: O’ahu

6 Marines from Kaneʻohe base killed in helicopter crash in Afghanistan

News sources have confirmed that the six Marines killed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan were from the Marine Corps Base Hawaii Kaneohe Bay: The helicopter, a CH-53D Sea Stallion from Marine Corps Base Hawaii at Kaneohe Bay, crashed Thursday in Afghanistan’s southern province of Helmand. The Marine unit, known as the Lucky Red Lions,… Read more »

Waikāne munitions cleanup feasibility study comments due 2/13/12

The Marine Corps clean up of unexploded munitions in the Waikāne ahupuaʻa is now at a critical stage where decisions will be made about the extent of clean up.  On January 12, 2012, the Marine Corps released its final draft of the Waikane Feasibility Study report. Comments on the proposed alternatives are being accepted  until… Read more »

WWII-era munitions removed from Bellows driving range

The golfers at the Bellows Air Force Station in Waimanalo encountered a real hazard on the course; several bombs were unearthed.  The Honolulu Star Advertiser reported: Several World War II-era munitions found buried at Bellows Air Force Station’s golf driving range were removed Tuesday and today, the Air Force said. The munitions were described as… Read more »

Accidents, Rapes, Murders, Suicides, Guns and Explosives

Here is a sampling of recent news stories related to crimes and accidents involving military personnel. The Honolulu Star Advertiser reported “Motorcyclist killed in Ewa Beach was decorated Army sergeant” (1/06/2012): The city Medical Examiner’s Office today identified the 27-year-old Schofield Barracks soldier who died in a motorcycle accident Thursday as Aaron Bennett. Bennett, from… Read more »

18th Annual Mākua Valley Christmas Vigil for Peace and Restoration of the ʻĀina

Fred Dodge of Mālama Mākua announced: The 18th Annual Christmas Vigil for Peace and Restoration of the Aina will be held on December 25 at 3 PM  at the main gate of Makua Valley. This wll be followed by a potluck celebration. Please join us in celebrating this season of peace as well as showing aloha… Read more »

I ka wā ma mua, ka wā ma hope: Exploring Pearl Harbor’s present pasts

Here’s an article I wrote for the Hawaii Independent reflecting on a recent school excursion to Ke Awalau o Pu’uloa / Pearl Harbor, and contemporary meanings of Pearl Harbor as national myth: I ka wā ma mua, ka wā ma hope: Exploring Pearl Harbor’s present pasts By Kyle Kajihiro HONOLULU—On the eve of the 70th… Read more »

Send in the Choppers?

Here’s a report from recent hearings for proposed Marine Corps helicopter expansion plans that were held on Hawai’i island: Send in the Choppers? Tuesday, December 6th, 2011 Marines unveil EIS for more helicopters here. By Alan D. McNarie The Marines were back in town last week, holding meetings in Waimea and Hilo to get… Read more »

Japanese military official fired for comparing base construction to ‘rape’ as Yanbaru forest comes under new attack

Ten Thousand Things blog just published an excellent update on the firing of a Japan Defense Ministry representative who compared the U.S. military construction in Okinawa to “rape.”  There is good background information links on the page for the tense situation in Takae, a forest area in northern Okinawa threatened with expansion of helicopter landing… Read more »

Occupy APEC with Aloha

Christine Ahn wrote an brilliant article in FPIF on the Moana Nui conference and peoples’ resistance to the APEC neoliberal – militarization agenda.   I quote liberally from the article below.  You should read the full article here. “The time has come for us to voice our rage,” the Hawaiian artist Makana sang as he gently… Read more »

U.S. pivot to Asia makes China nervous

The Washington Postpublished an informative article on China’s reaction to President Obama’s “pivot” toward Asia: With the Obama administration’s high-profile pivot toward Asia this week — pushing for a new free-trade agreement with at least eight other countries and securing military basing rights in Australia — China is feeling at once isolated, criticized, encircled and… Read more »