Posts Categorized: Pacific

Joint Statement of the U.S.-Japan Security Consultative Committee

The U.S. has squeezed Japan to sacrifice Okinawa and Guam for the base realignment.   But Okinawans will resist. >><< Joint Statement of the U.S.-Japan Security Consultative Committee May 28, 2010 by Secretary of State Clinton Secretary of Defense Gates Minister for Foreign Affairs Okada Minister of Defense Kitazawa —————————— On May 28, 2010, the… Read more »

Pagat now historic site – will be affected by military expansion Pagat now historic site By Peter Urban • PDN Washington Bureau • May 20, 2010 The National Trust for Historic Preservation will announce today that the Pagat area of Yigo, which some islanders believe is threatened by the coming military buildup, will join an elite list of 11 historic, endangered sites from around the… Read more »

The Futenma Base and the U.S.-Japan Controversy: an Okinawan perspective The Futenma Base and the U.S.-Japan Controversy: an Okinawan perspective Yoshio SHIMOJI Introduction This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the conclusion of the revised Japan-U.S. Mutual Security Treaty (Ampo). The original treaty was signed on September 8, 1951, the same day the San Francisco Peace Treaty was signed. One of its provisions stipulated… Read more »

Making the Invisible Empire Visible Making the Invisible Empire Visible Film Review by John Junkerman Mention “The Insular Empire” to the average American, and they’d likely have no idea what you were talking about. They probably still wouldn’t get it if you gave them another clue: “America in the Mariana Islands.” These are the title and subtitle of a… Read more »

Dugong Sighted – What is Sacred?

A dugong, the endangered sea manatee of Okinawa, a sacred animal deity that is recounted in ancient Okinawan songs, was recently seen in Henoko, proposed site of the military base relocation from Futenma. A ho’ailona (sign)? Meanwhile, Carolyn Raffensperger, Executive Director of the Science and Environmental Health Network., asks “what is sacred?” She reflects on… Read more »

Hawai’i contractors feeding on Guam’s destruction and loss

The following editorial from the Honolulu Star Bulletin reflects the pro-business thinking about militarization of Guam.  Now that the wave of military expansion has swept past Hawai’i to Guam, the largest contractors are positioning themselves to feed on the ensuing disaster and misery the buildup will cause there.   Will Hawai’i workers participate in this cannibal… Read more »

China Extending its Naval Power

Spiraling militarization in Asia is increasing the level of danger.  The U.S.  encirclement of China with bases and missile defenses is driving counter moves by China. Bruce Gagnon points out that “In addition to China’s expanding their Navy to keep their oil supply routes open, they are also putting part of their nuclear retaliatory forces… Read more »

Fortress Guam: Resistance to US Military Mega-Buildup Fortress Guam: Resistance to US Military Mega-Buildup LisaLinda Natividad and Gwyn Kirk United States presidents rarely visit the U.S. territory of Guam (or Guåhan in the Chamorro language), but President Obama may visit in June 2010. This will be a significant stop for residents of this small island, 30 miles long and eight miles… Read more »

‘Do not allow Guam to sink into oblivion’

Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Conference 2010 NYC by: Melvin Won Pat-Borja, Guahan Coalition for Peace and Justice/We Are Guahan During a congressional hearing on the Guam military buildup in early April, US Representative Hank Johnson said that he feared the Military Relocation on Guam would cause our tiny island to capsize and sink. The comment, though… Read more »

Recruiters target Micronesians for U.S. military

Military recruiters exploit the poverty of Micronesia and other Pacific islands to fill their quotas.  The U.S. took the land, then they take the youth to fight wars of empire.   Here’s a fact to make one ponder:  “A recent study by the Heritage Foundation of US enlistment rates cites “Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander” as the… Read more »