Posts Categorized: Pacific

The fight to end colonization in the island-territory of Guahan

Perspectives on Social Justice: The fight to end colonization in the island-territory of Guahan 3.28.10 Blog Post written for the Therapeutic Justice Project blog at By Dr. Hope Cristobal I was 18 in the fall of 1996— “Rock the vote!” was in the air. MTV touted, “Choose or Lose!” Unfortunately that year, I was… Read more »

Ann Wright and Medea Benjamin hold signs in solidarity with Guam and Okinawa in Senate Hearing on the Pacific Command

Here is the link to the SEnate Armed Services hearing on FRiday: Archived Webcast March 26, 2010 – FULL COMMITTEE – To receive testimony on U.S. Pacific Command, U.S. Strategic Command, and U.S. Forces Korea in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2011 and the Future Years Defense Program. WITNESSES… Read more »

Guam Senator B.J. Cruz to speak in Honolulu about the proposed U.S. military expansion Maoli Thursday: The Guam Military Buildup Examining Potential Impacts on Culture, Environment, the Economy and the Larger Community Event Date: April 1, 2010 Ka Huli Ao Center for Excellence in Native Hawaiian Law Presents Maoli Thursday: The Guam Military Buildup: Examining Potential Impacts on Culture, Environment, the Economy and the Larger Community Thursday, April… Read more »

Velvet Imperialists

Foreign Policy in Focus World Beat:Vol. 5, No. 12 Velvet Imperialists By John Feffer, March 23, 2010 I’m not a big fan of Dana Rohrabacher, the grandstanding Republican congressman from California. But last week at a congressional hearing on U.S.-Japan relations, he ably cut through the Pentagon’s doublespeak. The hearing’s topic was the current conflict… Read more »

On Guam, planned Marine base raises anger, infrastructure concerns On Guam, planned Marine base raises anger, infrastructure concerns By Blaine Harden Washington Post Foreign Service Monday, March 22, 2010; A01 HAGATNA, GUAM — This remote Pacific island is home to U.S. citizens who are fervent supporters of the military, as measured by their record of fighting and dying in America’s recent wars. But… Read more »

U.S. says base relocation plan must have acceptance of local community LEAD: Local agreement necessary for Futemma relocation Mar 21 09:35 AM US/Eastern WASHINGTON, March 21 (AP) – (Kyodo) The United States has told Japan it will not renegotiate the relocation plan for the U.S. Marine Corps’ Futemma Air Station in Okinawa Prefecture if the local community will not accept the relocation, sources close to… Read more »

Obama to meet with Guam authorities, but not grassroots leaders concerned about the military buildup

President Obama will meet with local Guam officials on a stopover March 22nd to allay rising concerns about the proposed military expansion in the Marianas islands   But he is not meeting with grassroots leaders who have demanded to be heard about their concerns regarding the military buildup. >><< BREAKING NEWS: 8:15 a.m. –… Read more »

‘Close the Base’: a new website for solidarity with Okinawa

Close the Base is a new website for U.S. solidarity with the anti-bases struggle in Okinawa.  Here’s an excerpt from their site: We support the unconditional closure of the U.S. Marine Corps base at Futenma and oppose the construction of other U.S. bases in Okinawa. The Network for Okinawa (NO) is a grassroots network that… Read more »

Thousands Call on Obama to Speak with All of Guam’s People, Hear Concerns About Buildup

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FROM WE ARE GUÅHAN Thousands Call on Obama to Speak with All of Guam’s People, Hear Concerns About Buildup March 11, 2010, GUAM – With the largest military realignment in modern history slated to hit the US Territory of Guam, over 11,000 people from the Pacific Island and across the globe signed… Read more »

US Dream Come True? The New Henoko Sea Base and Okinawan Resistance US Dream Come True? The New Henoko Sea Base and Okinawan Resistance By Makishi Yoshikazu [Why is the news of a plan to move 7,000 US Marine troops from southern Okinawa to Guam creating no good vibes in Okinawa? Because nothing much is changing. The Japanese Government is proceeding with construction of a new… Read more »