Posts Categorized: Pacific

Guam: Japan Group Shares Experience With Military Presence

These people-to-people exchanges and solidarity efforts are very encouraging.   The peoples of our region can make peace despite the oppressive and militarized policies of our governments. >><< Marianas Variety Japan Group Shares Experience With Military Presence Tuesday, 09 March 2010 04:54 by Therese Hart | Variety News Staff Tsuru Masaaki, leader of the 21-member… Read more »

The Travails of a Client State: An Okinawan Angle on the 50th Anniversary of the US-Japan Security Treaty

Gavan McCormack provides an excellent analysis of Japan’s ‘client state’ position, the anti-bases movement in Okinawa and the crisis it represents for the US-Japan Security Treaty. He links the bases issue to “poison” of war and occupation of other countries: While official 50th anniversary commemorations celebrate the US military as the source of the “oxygen”… Read more »

Militarization would desecrate Pagat, Chamorro sacred site From the Marianas Variety Sacrilege in Pagat Friday, 26 February 2010 01:58 Letter to the Editor WHAT is Pagat? For the people who wrote the draft environmental impact statement, it is nothing more than a place to shoot off high-powered guns. For some people, it is worthless jungle, just as lattes and lusongs are… Read more »

Japanese groups conduct fact-finding visit to Guam Fact-finding mission Friday, 05 March 2010 01:20 by Mar-Vic Cagurangan | Variety News Staff Japanese lobby groups coming to Guam A 20-MEMBER delegation consisting of representatives from an influential coalition of Japanese lobby groups, is arriving on Guam tomorrow on a four-day fact-finding mission to assess the island’s capacity to accommodate the troops that… Read more »

U.K. proposes Chagos marine reserve that could block islanders’ return

Chagos is an Indian Ocean island possession of the UK, one of the colonies it held onto after decolonization. Britain evicted the native Chagossian population and leased the island to the U.S. military. Now Diego Garcia is one of the most important bases in America’s empire of bases. British courts except for the House of… Read more »

Fight for Guahan delivers message to PACOM

On February 22, 2010, an international delegation representing Fight for Guahan, a group opposed to the military buildup on Guam, and DMZ-Hawai’i / Aloha ‘Aina delivered a message to Admiral Willard, Commander in Chief, Pacific Command. Joining the delegation was Colonel Ann Wright, Chamorro activist Hope Cristobal, Saipan activist and navigator Lino Olopai and filmmaker… Read more »

Japan won’t follow Futenma plan Japan won’t follow Futenma plan Friday, 05 March 2010 01:16 by Therese Hart | Variety News Staff THE Japanese government has conveyed to the United States that Tokyo will not go through with an existing plan to relocate a U.S. Marine base in Okinawa. Citing several Japanese-U.S. sources, Kyodo News reported yesterday that Japan… Read more »

‘There is no plan B’ – White House talking point on bases in Okinawa?

President Obama will be traveling to Guam at the end of the month to discuss the proposed military expansion there, but at this point, he has no plans to talk with residents of Guam who will be most affected by the build up.   A group called We Are Guahan is organizing a petition calling on… Read more »

U.S. official: Japan could lose entire Marine presence if Henoko plan scrapped

In this article, heavily slanted in favor of the U.S.-Japan military base agreement, Richard P. Lawless, former deputy undersecretary of the U.S. Department of Defense in charge of Asia-Pacific affairs, essentially threatened that if Japan blocks the plan to move a marine air base to Henoko in Okinawa, the U.S. will pack up its toys,… Read more »

Tinian may be alternative for Marines on Okinawa Pacific Island Tinian May Be Alternative for Marines on Okinawa By Teri Weaver, Stars and Stripes Pacific edition, Saturday, February 13, 2010 RELATED STORY: Japanese panel likes Tinian option TOKYO — Attention, Marines: If you need a new home for those helicopters on Okinawa, give Tinian a call. The tiny mid-Pacific island is waiting… Read more »