Posts Categorized: Pacific

Same as it ever was: Obama’s Asia-Pacific agenda

At a speech in Tokyo, President Obama said “Asia and the United States are not separated by this great ocean; we are bound by it.”  But he has misappropriated a concept originally put forward by the taro-roots peace and justice movements of the Pacific such as the Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific (NFIP) that the… Read more »

Gavan McCormack: “Yet Another ‘Battle of Okinawa'”

This Op Ed published in the Japan Times is critical of the “colonial” nature of the so-called Guam Treaty which provides for the relocation of U.S. Marines from Okinawa to Guam, commits Japan to foot most of the bill, allows the expansion of the military base at Henoko, Okinawa, and overrides many of Japan’s own… Read more »

Tip of the Spear This year US General Bice announced that Guam will be the site of ‘the largest military build-up in the history of the US’. Locals say that the communities indigenous to this small Pacific island will not survive. Guam is a political anomaly: A US territory where citizens do not have US voting-rights and where… Read more »

Abercrombie defends military expansion on Guam

The debate in the news media has been between setting higher prevailing wage standards and American hiring preferences for Guam military construction jobs or allowing companies to pay foreign workers at lower rates.  But the real issue is the illegality and immorality of the U.S. military expansion on Guam.   Many Chamoru have voiced their opposition… Read more »

Asia Pacific military leaders met in Hawai’i

Source: Friday, October 23, 2009 Senior Leaders to Meet at Chiefs of Defense Conference Senior military officers of 22 nations will gather in Hawaii next week for the 12th annual Chiefs of Defense Conference (CHOD), which is scheduled to run Oct. 26-29. This year’s conference is hosted by Adm. Robert Willard, commander of U.S…. Read more »

New PACOM Commander installed

Here’s the press release from the Pacific Command about the change in Command from Adm. Keating to Adm. Willard.   It will be interesting to see how Willard makes his mark. >><< Keating Passes PACOM Torch to Willard By Donna Miles American Forces Press Service CAMP H.M. SMITH, Hawaii – Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates… Read more »

New Pacific Air Force Commander awaits F-22s

The F-22 program was one of the expensive and wasteful projects that the Pentagon and the Obama administration wanted scrapped.   So why are these planes still coming to Hawai’i?  According to a leading analyst of defense spending, Senator Inouye has employed legislative tricks to “breath life back into the F-22”.  In 2007, twelve F-22s left… Read more »

Marshall Island Chief sues over illegal taking of Kwajalein for U.S. missile base

MARSHALLS CHIEF FILES SUIT AGAINST U.S. BASE Former president Kabua says lease treaty illegal By Giff Johnson MAJURO, Marshall Islands (Marianas Variety, Oct. 12, 2009) – A powerful traditional chief in the Marshall Islands has stepped up the battle for control of a United States missile testing range by filing a court challenge to a… Read more »

Navy to conduct live-fire exercises on Farallon de Medinilla

Several years ago, the Navy was blocked from bombarding Farallon de Medinilla by lawsuits from U.S. environmental groups under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.  But the military forced through broad exemptions for itself from a number of U.S. environmental laws. >><< Saturday, October 10, 2009 Navy to conduct live-fire exercises on Farallon de Medinilla… Read more »

Julian Aguon on Democracy Now! Speaks Against U.S. Military Buildup on Guam Guam Residents Organize Against US Plans for $15B Military Buildup on Pacific Island The United States is planning an enormous $15 billion military buildup on the Pacific island of Guam. The project would turn the thirty-mile-long island into a major hub for US military operations in the Pacific in what has been described as… Read more »