Posts Categorized: Pacific

Will Hawaii construction workers get work destroying Guam?

Two articles in the Honolulu Advertiser on the Defense Appropriations Bill compromise came out with different conclusions.   One headline reads “Deal ensures Guam jobs will go to U.S. workers” and describes the compromise as a win for Congressman Neil Abercrombie, who is running for Governor in 2010.  The other article has a headline that… Read more »

45 days for public to comment on military tsunami about to hit Guam

45 days to review buildup draft study By Dionesis Tamondong • Pacific Daily News • October 6, 2009 Senators are concerned the public won’t be given adequate time to properly review and comment on a draft study of the military buildup’s environmental impact to Guam. The Joint Guam Program Office yesterday gave an overview and… Read more »

Jobs vs. bottom line in mega military project

The focus on the jobs vs. savings debate has overshadowed more fundamental questions of U.S. imperialism, violations of Chamoru self-determination, and the social and environmental impacts of the impending military invasion of Guam, a U.S. colony. >><< Jobs vs. bottom line in mega military project Bill would give Guam base expansion jobs to U.S. workers,… Read more »

Natural disasters provide a showcase for military capabilities

The U.S. military is mobilizing disaster relief in the Philippines, Indonesia and Samoa.   The three natural disasters to hit Asia and the Pacific in the past week (typhoon in the Philippines, earthquake and tsunami in Samoa and earthquake in Indonesia)  have provided the U.S. military with a showcase for its capabilities and a public relations… Read more »

Important new website: Militarization in the Marianas

I just learned about this important website Militarization in the Marianas covering various aspects of U.S. militarization and Chamoru resistance in the Marianas.  Here’s an excerpt from the welcome message: Hafa Adai and Welcome to Militarization in the Marianas, an informational website about the U.S. military presence in the CNMI and Guam. This website serves… Read more »

Catherine Lutz: US Bases and Empire – looking at the Asia-Pacific

From the online journal Japan Focus, an excellent article by Catherine Lutz, the editor of the book Bases of Empire. US Bases and Empire: Global Perspectives on the Asia Pacific Catherine Lutz Much about our current world is unparalleled: holes in the ozone layer, the commercial patenting of life forms, degrading poverty on a massive… Read more »

The Guam Treaty as a Modern ‘Disposal’ of the Ryukyus

The Guam Treaty as a Modern ‘Disposal’ of the Ryukyus September 22, 2009 By Kunitoshi Sakurai Source: Japan Focus Introduction by Gavan McCormack Translation by Takeda Kyousuke and Takeda Yuusuke [Introduction: Little attention internationally was paid to the agreement signed in February, 2009 between the newly commissioned Obama government in the US and the declining… Read more »

Guam measure sets up conflict

Source: Posted on: Thursday, September 24, 2009 Guam measure sets up conflict By JOHN YAUKEY Advertiser Washington Bureau WASHINGTON – Sen. Daniel K. Inouye and Rep. Neil Abercrombie appear headed for a clash over Pentagon plans to move thousands of Marines from Japan to Guam, an issue that could surface in Abercrombie’s run for… Read more »

Women Activists Explore Post-military economy

Activists explore post-military economy Friday, 18 September 2009 03:18 MVG Reporter PEOPLE will have to work together if they want to sustain an economy after the military. This was emphasized during the fourth day of the 7th Meeting of the International Network of Women Against Militarism at the University of Guam in Mangilao. The morning… Read more »