Posts Categorized: Pacific

Australia, U.S. agree to major escalation of military co-operation

President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton, and Secretary of Defense Gates are touring the Asia Pacific region outlining an expansion of the U.S. military presence in the region.    Below are two articles describing the closer collaboration between the U.S. and Australia with joint exercises and missile defense.  Demilitarization activists in Australia have criticized these develoments…. Read more »

Obama, Gates And Clinton In Asia: U.S. Expands Military Build-Up In The East

Obama, Gates And Clinton In Asia: U.S. Expands Military Build-Up In The East by Rick Rozoff Global Research, November 7, 2010 Stop NATO President Barack Obama arrived in Mumbai, India on November 6 and announced $10 billion in business deals with his host country which he claimed will contribute to 50,000 new American jobs. By… Read more »

SWAT used to silence military expansion opponents

Using tactics familiar to demilitarization activists in Hawai’i, SWAT was called in to intimidate protesters of the military expansion that threatens the ancient Chamorro cultural and sacred sites in Pagat. The military held closed door meetings to discuss the handling of cultural sites and resources under the consultation process of the National Historic Preservation Act…. Read more »

Mixed Messages: U.S. Strategy in the Asia Pacific

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered a strategy speech while on a stop over in Honolulu.   One military website reported: The U.S. goals in the Pacific are to sustain and strengthen America’s leadership in the Asia Pacific Region; to improve security; to heighten prosperity and promote our values, said the Secretary. The United States has… Read more »

Think Tank Report on US Japan Relations Has No Good Recommendations

The think tank Center for a New American Security has released a new report on the U.S. Japan Mutual Security Treaty and makes some recommendations.   All the options being proposed involved some form of increased militarization of the Asia-Pacific region.  Here’s an excerpt from a Wall Street Journal blog: Indeed, a new report due out… Read more »

Project Censored: US Department of Defense is the Worst Polluter on the Planet 2. US Department of Defense is the Worst Polluter on the Planet Top 25 of 2011 Sources: Sara Flounders, “Add Climate Havoc to War Crimes: Pentagon’s Role in Global Catastrophe,” International Action Center, December 18, 2009, Mickey Z., “Can You Identify the Worst Polluter on the Planet? Here’s a Hint: Shock and Awe,”… Read more »

Native Alaskan company wins contract for Kwajalein clean-up

A Native Alaskan company got the contract for clean up of the U.S. missile base in Kwajalein.  It is probably a “special 8A” contract, meaning that under the contracting laws, a native-owned company may get sole-source (i.e. no-bid) contracts of unlimited size.    The problem is that often these companies become fronts for large defense companies… Read more »

“Until they hear us in Washington, D.C.”

“A person’s a person, no matter how small.” – Horton, from Horton Hears a Who Hundreds of people of all ages, across the political spectrum turned out to protest the U.S. military’s record of decision (ROD) on the military expansion plans for Guahan (Guam).  Is Washington D.C. listening?  The Pacific Daily News wrote: A few… Read more »

Action alert Guam: Realize Our Destiny: Community Response to the Record of Decision

We Are Guahan FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 23, 2010; Guam- With the release of the DoD’s Record of Decision, it has become evident that the Department of Defense will continue to disregard concerns voiced by the people of Guam. Guam’s local residents will be the demographic most severely impacted by plans to increase the… Read more »

Missile programme raises concern in Hawaii Missile programme raises concern in Hawaii Posted at 04:30 on 09 September, 2010 UTC A Kauai resident in Hawaii says people are divided over the issue to expand a military missile programme to develop ballistic missile testing from the island. Juan Wilson says some residents support the military, saying it brings jobs and incomes… Read more »