CNMI can host Gitmo detainees
Wednesday, 28 January 2009 00:00
By Emmanuel T. Erediano – Variety News Staff
DUE to the bad economy, the commonwealth cannot afford to be too choosy about opportunities that knock on its door – even if it means becoming the “new Guantanamo Bay.”
Rep. Ray N. Yumul, R-Saipan and an Army Reservist, brought up this idea during yesterday’s discussion in the House chamber about the implementation of the federal immigration system this year.
Yumul said the federal government is now considering the transfer of the “Gitmo” detainees from Cuba.
“We need to encourage the military planners to consider the NMI,” he said.
Some states like Pennsylvania have already expressed interest in hosting the Guantanamo Bay detainees, he added.
Hundreds of terror suspects are being detained in Guantanamo, which President Obama wants to shut down.
Yumul said the CNMI was on the shortlist when the military was considering places where suspected terrorists could be detained.
Tinian, Yumul said, can be an ideal place since 2/3 of its land is leased to the U.S. military.
“We need to sit down as a community and look at our options,” Yumul said. “It’s something that we definitely need to consider.”
Aside from the creation of jobs, new infrastructure and business opportunities, hosting the Gitmo detainees can give the CNMI people the chance “to show their patriotism.”
He recalled that in the past, boat people from Vietnam who made their way to the Pacific were brought to Tinian after they were denied entry to Guam.
Asked about the possible terrorist threats to the CNMI, Yumul said “the U.S. has a very high standard of maintaining security, so it will not be a problem.”