Saturday, March 21
in solidarity with the National March on the Pentagon
and with people around the world
9:30 am: Gather at Atkinson/Ala Moana
10:00 am: March begins
(up Atkinson to Kapiolani and ewa on Kapiolani to Piikoi)
11:00am-noon: Protest in front of the Kapiolani Recruiting Stations
(between Piikoi and Pensacola)
This is the First National Day of Protest of the wars under President Obama. If you care about humanity, get in the streets to send a message to the world that there are millions of us who don’t want the unjust and immoral wars to continue. Our demand will be: US Out of Iraq and Afghanistan! No Wars on Iran, Pakistan, or Gaza!
Join us at the corner of Atkinson/Ala Moana at 9:30 am. We’ll begin marching at 10am. The march will be highly visible along Atkinson and Kapiolani. We have signs – or bring your own.
We’ll be marching ewa on Kapiolani to the Recruiting Station where we’ll hold an anti-recruitment protest from 11am to 12 noon. We’ll have some transportation stationed near the recruiting station for those who need a ride back to their cars when the protest ends.
Join all of this – or any part of it!