Announcing A New Informational Website on U.S. Military Violence Against Women
Providing information, analysis, and news about the history of U.S. military violence against girls and women in Okinawa and Japan, and in numerous other locations around the world. Other related concerns include:
* Sexual assault and violence against women within the U.S. armed forces; and
* Militarization and violence against women as an expression of colonialism, imperialism, and war.
The website is a collaborative project designed to deepen and broaden understandings of the relationships between U.S. militarism and foreign policy, imperialism, racism, and violence against girls and women. Organized by a team of faculty and students at California State University San Marcos, in collaboration with Colonel Ann Wright (retired), the project brings together information about United States military culture, historical narratives, stories of victimization, and analysis of the strategies used by Japanese activists to raise public awareness and prevent further crimes against girls and women.
These activists and organizers, particularly Okinawan Women Act Against Military Violence (OWAAMV), who view the U.S. military presence as a threat to local and regional security and happiness, are now making common cause with organizers in the Philippines and Korea who harbor similar concerns, and with activists in the United States and other parts of the world who have long worked for justice and accountability.
We invite you to visit the website and share it with others:
Please help get the word out about this continuing injustice.
We look forward to collaborating with activists, organizers, and scholars with an interest in these issues. Please contact us if we can share information or find ways to work together.
For information about the project, contact Project Director: Professor Linda Pershing,
For questions about the website or to share information, contact: Lezlie Lee-French,