How militarized are we?
09/23/2009 01:03 PMTo FHS All Staff
Subject Fw: United States Air Force Drill Performance at Farrington Thursday 24 Sep during lunch
Hello everyone,
The US Air Force Drill Team from Washington, DC will visit Farrington tomorrow (Thursday) 24 Sep 2009 and perform on the Front Lawn by our flag pole during lunchtime. Everyone is encouraged to see their drill demonstration… is thrilling. See the comments of LTC Les Bise, below, who observed the team perform at Waipahu. The team will move to the JROTC “Range” during period 4 to mix and mingle. You may have some cadets and band members asking to be excused to meet the drill team members at JROTC during period 4. If they are deserving please allow them to come to JROTC. Let’s give the USAF Drill Team a grand “Farrington Way” welcome and make this a very memorable experience. Personally, I have never seen them perform in person, just on film in a National Geographic Documentary on our Nation”s Armed Forces Ceremonial Drill Teams. They are fabulous!
LTC Dave Carlson, Senior Army Instructor, Farrington JROTC
Forwarded by David A Carlson/FARRINGTON/HIDOE on 09/23/2009 12:42 PM —–
Leslie Bise/OIS/HIDOE
09/23/2009 09:20 AM
Daniel_Kalama, Ted_Pierson, Efren Aguilar, David A_Carlsoncc
Toni_correia, novite_silvaSubject
AF Drill Team InfoAloha guys,
I was able to go to Waipahu yesterday to observe the AF Drill Team demonstration. Just their appearance alone is impressive. You’ll see what I mean when you see them.
I know we were saying just the JROTC cadets would be enough, but the team plays to the crowd; so the more people there, the better. At Waipahu, the VP was asking classrooms around the performance area to join the audience.
Three things.
a. I understood on the first day they had two vans. Yesterday they had a Bluebird bus; so security needs to meet the Drill Team at the front entrance and guide them to a parking area.
b. The team will need a room to change (classroom is fine) (about 20 pers).
c. The team support personnel will have 8×10 glossy photos, and will have time for autographs and photo op session. The student will need “sharpies” for autograph.Man, these guys are like rock stars. This kind of opportunity where a professional drill team comes to tour your school is rare and far in between if ever done again.
Les Bise