This website has links to many documents related to the U.N. Security Council resolution on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
GSI E-Alert
Extraordinary Week at the United NationsDear friends,
This has been an historic week at the United Nations. The US President chairing a summit of the Security Council and its adoption of a far reaching resolution on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation is extraordinary. Moreover, it is indicative that we are on the road towards a safer planet.
The Global Security Institute offers this special e-alert that we hope you find informative, including a Huffington Post op/ed by Jonathan Granoff and Rhianna Kreger, articles by Tyler-Wigg Stevenson and Jim Wurst, links to the statements by world leaders and the historic documents that were adopted this week.
Ambassador Thomas Graham, Jr. Ambassador Robert Grey, Jr.
Chairman, Bipartisan Security Group Director, Bipartisan Security GroupDocuments
– Security Council Resolution 1887
– Final Declaration and Measures to Promote the Entry-into-Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban-TreatyArticles
– “One Small Step for the Council, One Giant Leap for Humankind,” by Jonathan Granoff and Rhianna Tyson Kreger, Huffington Post.– “No Nukes is Good Nukes,” by Tyler Wigg-Stevenson, Relevant magazine.
– “The Test-Ban Treaty, Inching Toward Full Approval,” by Jim Wurst, UNA-USA World Bulletin.
– President Obama’s September 23 statement to the General Assembly
– President Obama’s statement to the Security Council
– Statement by Chinese President Hu Jintao to the Security Council
– Statement by Austrian President Heinz Fischer to the Security Council
– Statement by UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown to the Security Council
– Statement by Costa Rica President and Nobel Laureate Oscar Arias to the Security Council
– Statement by Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama to the Security Counci
– Statement by the Secretary-General to the CTBT Conference
– Statement by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the CTBT Conference
– Statement by H.E. Tibór Tóth, Executive-Secretary of the CTBT Organization
– Statement by UN Messenger of Peace Michael Douglas to the CTBT Conference
– UN-TV segment on CTBT (3:02)