Navy to conduct live-fire exercises on Farallon de Medinilla

Several years ago, the Navy was blocked from bombarding Farallon de Medinilla by lawsuits from U.S. environmental groups under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.  But the military forced through broad exemptions for itself from a number of U.S. environmental laws.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Navy to conduct live-fire exercises on Farallon de Medinilla

SANTA RITA, Guam-The U.S. Navy will conduct live-fire training exercises on the island of Farallon de Medinilla from 7am to 1am on Oct. 13-14, 16 and 18.

The general location of this activity will be on the island of Farallon de Medinilla Training Area on a 10-nautical mile radius on all quadrants. The general public especially fisherman, commercial pilots and marine tour operators are advised to stay clear from this area during the time and date indicated.

Farallon de Medinilla plays a special and unique role in national defense because its location provides access frequency that supports established training requirements. In addition, the air and sea space in the Farallon provides sufficient room for the many different attack profiles necessary to replicate training opportunities in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. (PR)

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