Shimojijima islanders protest possibility of U.S. military base

The new ruling party in Japan is trying to uphold its campaign pledge to reject relocation of Futenma Marine base to Henoko in Okinawa.  The new government is scouting alternative sites, including small offshore islands such as Shimojijima.  But residents of Shimojijima are protesting even the aerial inspection of their island by a top official.  The bases are a threat to the security of host communities.  It’s time to rethink the oxymoron of militarized security.


January 10, 2010

Shimojijima islanders protest Hirano’s inspection

Dozens of islanders have protested against an aerial inspection by Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirofumi Hirano, the head of a coalition panel on the relocation of the US Marine Corps Futenma Air Station in Okinawa Prefecture.

On Sunday, more than 50 residents and unionists of Shimojijima Island, Miyakojima City, gathered along the fence enclosing Shiojishima Airport, and put up signs.

Shimojishima Airport is used to train airline pilots, and is one of the sites being considered for relocating the operations of the US Futenma Air Station.

On seeing the Self-Defense Force aircraft carrying Hirano, the protesters shouted that they reject the military use of Shimojishima Airport.

The plane circled the area twice before flying away.

A demonstrator said the island has a memorandum with the government which states that the airport will only be used for civilian purposes.

A couple said they took part in the demonstration because they do not want to see military aircraft flying over such a beautiful island.

The Miyakojima City council plans to convene an extraordinary session next week to vote on a resolution and a statement protesting the transfer of the base.

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