Environmental Law Program Colloquium Series
William S. Richardson School of Law
Please join us on Tuesday, April 6, 2010
for an Evening Colloquium, starting at 5:30 p.m.
Moot Court Room
Jarman Fellowship Colloquium:
Environmental Justice in Wai`anae
In a move strongly opposed by some community groups, developers are seeking to build an industrial park on fertile agricultural land in Wai`anae. The project will require the City and County of Honolulu to alter dramatically the Wai`anae Community Sustainability Plan, which now confines industrial uses to lands along Farrington Highway. Wai`anae has long been used for landfills, military bombing exercises, and other projects that substantially harm the environment. The citizens see the industrial park as yet another high-impact project and have called on the City and County to keep all industrial uses focused along the highway, as the current sustainability plan does. But under pressure from the developers, the City and County’s consultant has drafted a new plan featuring a stark purple spot designating industrial use in the middle of a sea of green agricultural land. The Mayor’s office is expected to put forward this “purple-spot plan” for approval by the Honolulu City Council. Come hear the perspective of Wai`anae Coast residents who are concerned that this proposal conflicts with their community’s planning process.
Walterbea Aldeguer
life-long Wai`anae Coast resident and advocate for perpetuating Wai`anae’s rural community lifestyle
Kamuela Enos
Wai`anae Coast resident and staff at MA’O Organic Farms, the only commercial organic farm on Oahu, located in Wai`anae
[Also, Alice Greenwood and Lucy Gay will be speaking.]
This ELP Colloquium was organized by 2009 Jarman Fellow 2L Stewart Yerton and his summer fellowship sponsor Marti Townsend ’05, executive director of KAHEA and ELP alumna. KAHEA advocates for the proper stewardship of our resources and for social responsibility by promoting multi-cultural understanding and environmental justice.
`Ono pupu will be provided to the first 20 students, staff, and faculty!
Prof. Antolini, ELP Director & Assoc. Dean Casey Jarman, Host & the ELP Research Associates
Denise E. Antolini
Professor & Director, Environmental Law Program
P (808) 956-6238 | E antolini@hawaii.edu | W www.hawaii.edu/elp | Faculty Profile
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa • William S. Richardson School of Law • 2515 Dole Street, Room 207B • Honolulu, HI 96822-2328