Corporate interests Behind “Reduction of Okinawa’s Burden”

This post on the Peace Philosophy blog exposes the corporate agendas behind the Okinawa base relocation issue.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Corporate Interests Behind “Reduction of Okinawa’s Burden” 「沖縄の負担軽減」の本当の意味

This is a summary translation of one part of Tokyo Shimbun journalist Handa Shigeru’s lecture in Tokyo on December 15, 2009. I thought it would provide some significant background in understanding the current plan by the Hatoyama Govenment to build a runway off the coast of Henoko by placing thousands of steel pilings on the sea bed. Handa Shigeru has been writing extensively about corporate interests and corruption involving the plan to build a “replacement facility” for Futenma Air Station. I will provide more translation as time permits.  Read more…

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