Press release: May 16, 2010
Peace Activists threatened with arrest at Hilo Armed Forces Day events
further contact: Jim Albertini 966-7622,
“Over a dozen peace activists were threatened with arrest for offering peace leaflets and peacefully sign holding at Armed Forces Day events in Hilo on Saturday, May 15th. The activists held signs reading “Rescue the troops from War”, “Stop the War”, “End U.S. Occupation”, etc. along Hilo’s airport road fronting the Civil Air Patrol Area of Hilo Airport from 10-11:30AM,” said Jim Albertini of Malu ‘Aina.
Albertini said “head of Hilo airport security Steven Santiago called police and wanted the protesters arrested if they did not leave the area where they were holding signs visible to those arriving for the Armed Forces day events and flights in and out of Hilo airport.” According to Albertini, “Santiago, wearing an Army cap, also wanted peace activists arrested for offering peace leaflets to people walking from their parked cars toward the military displays.”
Albertini said “peace activists stood their ground and refused to leave the area to a more remote designated “free speech zone” citing their first amendment free speech rights. Higher ups in both the police department and State transportation were called and eventually the protesters’ rights were recognized.”
(Copy of the peace leaflet below)
Jim Albertini
Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action
P.O.Box AB
Kurtistown, Hawai’i 96760
phone: 808-966-7622
Visit us on the web at: <>
Rescue the Troops from War!
It’s not just the troops that need rescuing from war. It’s all of us — all of humanity, and the earth itself. The world is spending Trillions of dollars on wars and militarism which is contributing to our global crisis with unprecedented human and environmental needs going unmet. The U.S. spends almost half of the world’s total military spending. <>
Besides the current wars consider the following: :The ongoing global financial crisis threatens global economic collapse; there is a global environmental crisis that threatens the sustainability of life on the planet; an uncontrolled oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has no end in sight. Trust in religious institutions and governments to solve problems appear at an all time low. Amid unprecedented concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, billion dollar bonuses and bail outs, ordinary people are hurting. Look at the number of unemployed, foreclosures, homeless, and mounting debt. People are afraid, angry, and confused. Many don’t know where to turn.
In the face of such crises, we need a new local and global vision of justice, peace, and caring for the earth, a vision that rejects violence as a solution to problems, a vision where the means we use must be in line with the end we seek. The choice is now between embracing non-violence or non-existence. And a big question locally and globally is can we recognize and end our addiction to war? Or will we remain in denial?
The U.S. is now in its 9th year of war in Afghanistan, 7th year in Iraq, and now war in Pakistan.
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America’s War On Iraq: 4,715
Many troops are in their multiple year deployment.
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan $992,517,275,108
The Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq “1,366,350” <>
The number of casualties in Afghanistan and Pakistan are increasing daily and there is an increasing threat of a US/Israel attack on Iran.
1. A majority of Americans says the war in Afghanistan is not worth its costs, the Washington Post reports. 56 percent of independents say it is not worth fighting, up from 47 percent in December. Among Democrats, 66 percent say it’s not worth it, including half who feel that way strongly.
2) Shootings of Afghan civilians by American and NATO convoys and at military checkpoints have spiked sharply this year, becoming the leading cause of combined civilian deaths and injuries at the hands of Western forces, American officials say.
Cut off the war funds! Bring the Troops Home Now!
1. Mourn all victims of violence. 2. Reject war as a solution. 3. Defend civil liberties. 4. Oppose all discrimination, anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic, etc.
5. Seek peace through justice in Hawai`i and around the world.
Contact: Malu `Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box AB Kurtistown, Hawai`i 96760.
Phone (808) 966-7622. Email
Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet (May 14, 2010 – 452nd week) – Friday 3:30-5PM downtown Post Office
Hilo activist Danny Li writes on Indy Media Bay Area:
At the Hilo International Airport, 14 progressive Peace activists stood proudly with their anti-Occupation signs and placards. The Airport Security initially tried to force the peaceful group onto a “Designated Protest Area” some 500 yards away from the public entry to the military event. For over half an hour, there was a tense standoff, as Airport Security head Steve Santiago threatened to arrest the protestors, who valiantly stood their ground and insisted on their First Amendment right(especially because they had brought a copy of the Application for demonstration that was previously faxed to the Airport authorities). Two of the anti-war activists also insisted on their right to pass out informational leaflets to the Public.
Finally, after a police lieutenant and an Airport superior were called in to negotiate with the Peace activists, the potentially ugly confrontation resulted with a small but important victory for the anti-war activists. They were allowed to continue their sign-holding at the entry to the military event, and they could pass out the leaflets unimpeded to the Public (subsequently, some 250+ copies of the “Rescue Troops from War” leaflets were handed out).
It was A Good Day to continue Working for Peace in Hilo, Hawai’i on May 15, 2010!