Press Release:
Community Press Conference OUTSIDE PTA main gate
Tuesday, Aug. 31st at 1:15PM
further contact: Jim Albertini 966-7622
There will be a press conference outside the Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA) main gate on Tuesday, Aug. 31st at 1:15PM The press conference will raise questions about the “By Invitation ONLY” meeting inside Pohakuloa at 2PM on the Depleted Uranium (DU) contamination from military training. Questions will include: Why wasn’t the meeting held in the community on the Hilo and Kona sides of the island and open to the public? Why won’t the military participate in balance public community forums on the issue of DU? Why have questions hand delivered to the military in 2007 about DU contamination not yet been answered? Was air monitoring done during the recent fires around PTA to detect possible airborne DU? If so, were .45 micron or smaller air filters used? How have Army air sampling plans changed since the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) found the Army’s plans deficient earlier this year? When will all live-fire and other activities that create dust be stopped and the DU cleaned up at PTA?
A community forum on DU is being held on Monday, Aug. 30, 2010 from 7-9PM at the Keaau Community Center. The event is free and open to the public. The Army was invited to participate but once again declined an invitation from Malu ‘Aina, sponsor of the event.
There will be a peaceful protest of the Army’s “By Invitation Only” meeting outside the PTA main gate from 1-3PM. Everyone is invited!
Jim Albertini
Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action
P.O.Box AB
Kurtistown, Hawai’i 96760
phone: 808-966-7622
Visit us on the web at:
Aloha Kyle and DMZ ‘ohana,
Attached, please find a press release from the ACLU of Hawaii announcing our upcoming First Amendment Conference in Honolulu featuring speaker Daniel Ellsberg. The release is included as a .pdf and plain text version for your convenience. Hope you can join us, and please do let us know if you have students or youth needing scholarships – mahalo!
Kit Grant
Davis-Levin First Amendment Conference
(808)522-5904 direct
(808)232-9697 mobile
(808)522-5909 fax
Email and MSM:
For more information, contact Kit Grant: 808.522.5904
The Davis Levin First Amendment Conference Presents Live:
Daniel Ellsberg – The Most Dangerous Man in America
Sat., 11/13/10, Hilton Hawaiian Village, Coral Ballroom #3, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
$5.00 entry fee (youth scholarships available)
Agenda (subject to change):
9:15 a.m.: Registration
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.: Screening of Ellsberg documentary, “The Most Dangerous Man in America”
11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.: A conversation with Daniel Ellsberg, includes questions from the audience
HONOLULU – Can exposing government secrets to the world be an act of moral courage? Daniel Ellsberg is an economist and a former Marine who, during the Vietnam War, worked for the Pentagon, the State Department and as a RAND Corporation military analyst. Confronted with internal reports exposing four administrations’ blatant lies to Congress and the public in order to perpetuate U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, Ellsberg was faced with an unthinkable dilemma: keep quiet, and let more people die – or do something, and risk everything.
In 1969, Ellsberg made his choice. He smuggled a copy of the Pentagon’s 7,000-page secret history of the Vietnam War, which came to be known as “The Pentagon Papers,” to the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee. In 1971, when it became clear that the Committee never intended act on the Papers, leaked them to the New York Times. The firestorm that ensued galvanized the anti-war movement, shook confidence in the U.S. government, and is largely credited with driving the end of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. Henry Kissinger proclaimed him “the most dangerous man in America.” Ellsberg, hero to some, traitor to others, faced the full ire of the Nixon Administration, including charges under the Espionage Act and threats of imprisonment. Ellsberg’s impact continues to resonate in current events where a constant struggle exists to limit government secrecy and ensure the public’s right to know what is being done in the name of national interests.
The Davis Levin First Amendment Conference is proud to present Mr. Ellsberg in his first-ever live appearance in Hawai‘i, where he will share his perspective on moral courage, the Pentagon Papers and excessive government secrecy. Moderated by Aviam Soifer, Dean of the University of Hawai‘i William S. Richardson School of Law, the Conference will include a screening of the Academy Award-nominated documentary about the Pentagon Papers, “The Most Dangerous Man in America.”
Seating is limited. RSVPs are requested by Monday, 11/1/10. Call (808)522-5906, email, fax to (808)522-5909 or mail reservations to First Amendment Conference/P.O. Box 3410, Hon., HI 96801. Be sure to include contact information in case the event is rescheduled. Parking at the Hilton Hawaiian Village with event validation (subject to change) is $8.00 for self parking, $13.00 for valet parking. The Hilton Hawaiian Village is also on many major bus lines. Please visit for more information.
The Hilton Hawaiian Village is ADA-accessible. Request special accommodation no later than Friday, 10/15/10. The ACLU of Hawai‘i will always try to meet requests.
The Davis Levin First Amendment Conference is a lively discussion between prominent constitutional thinkers fostering awareness & dialogue about the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Established as a public education project of the American Civil Liberties Union of Hawai‘i Foundation in 1997 with grants from the Robert M. Rees Trust & the law firm of Davis Levin Livingston, the Conference is named for attorneys Mark S. Davis & Stanley E. Levin for their work defending the First Amendment in Hawai‘i.