Mystery Missile: Launch of Unknown Missile Caught on Tape in California

Mystery Missile: Launch of Unknown Missile Caught on Tape in California

Navy, Military Investigating Missile Video; No Agencies Claim Responsibility Yet

Nov. 9, 2010

Military officials say they have not yet found an answer as to who was responsible for the launch of the “mystery missile” caught on tape off the Southern California coast Monday night.

The contrail of what appears to be a missile streaking into the California sunset was captured on video by a KCBS news helicopter flying over Los Angeles at around 5 p.m. Pacific time.

The video drew more attention when local news stations were told by Navy and Air Force officials that they did not launch a missile Monday night.


One Reply to “Mystery Missile: Launch of Unknown Missile Caught on Tape in California”

  1. The military does not know everything – maybe not even much. Where the hell were they when giant airliners were crashing into buildings in New York? Just wait. Now they know they can do it without getting caught. The next one will be loaded with something.

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