Pågat Under Fire: A Citizen Suit Against the U.S. Department of Defense to Save an Ancient Chamorro Village

Environmental Law Program Colloquium Series

William S. Richardson School of Law

Please join us on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 in the

Moot Court Room during the Lunch Break (12:45 pm – 1:45 pm)

Matthew Adams, Sr. Managing Associate, SNR Denton

and Carl Christensen, Visiting Professor at Law

Pågat Under Fire:

A Citizen Suit Against the U.S. Department of Defense to Save an Ancient Chamorro Village

On November 17, 2010, the Guam Preservation Trust, We Are Guåhan, and the National Historic Trust for Historic Preservation filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court of Hawai‘i challenging the selection of Pågat, an ancient Chamorro village, as the site of a proposed firing range complex. The decision is part of the Guam and C.N.M.I. Military Relocation Final Environmental Impact Statement, which was prepared by the U.S. Department of Defense and released on July 28, 2010. The relocation, also known as the “Buildup,” involves the transfer of 8,000 U.S. Marines and their dependents from a U.S. base in Okinawa to Guam. Matthew Adams is a Senior Managing Associate with SNR Denton, the firm representing Plaintiffs through its pro bono work, and has experience in advising and litigating various environmental issues. Professor Carl Christensen is local counsel for Plaintiffs and teaches Historic Preservation.

Please join us or if you are unable please tune into our Livestream Channel (http://www.livestream.com/uhrichardsonelp)!

David M. Forman

Assistant Faculty Specialist

Environmental, Health Law Policy & Ka Huli Ao Programs

P (808) 956-5298 | F (808) 956-5569 | E dmforman@hawaii.edu

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