Nuclear Radiation Workshop
Demystifying the Science & Uncovering the Lies
*Alpha * Beta * Gamma Radiation*
*Rads * Rems * Sieverts * Becquerel *
*Cesium-137 * Iodine-131 * Strontium-90*
*Depleted Uranium * Plutonium*
*Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation*
*Exposure vs Dose* Risk Models*
*Latent and Long Term Effects*
*Atomic Physics * Nuclear Fuel Cycle*
*Nuclear Power * Nuclear Weapons*
*Hiroshima * Nagasaki * Fukushima * Chernobyl*
In remembrance of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the dozens of nuclear tests in the Pacific and in light of the recent Fukushima nuclear disaster and discovery of depleted uranium on O’ahu and Hawai’i island, learn to protect yourself from the effects of nuclear radiation and the lies perpetuated by the nuclear industry with the power of knowledge. Join physics educator and peace activist Lynda Williams in a friendly workshop covering basic atomic physics and the health effects of nuclear power and ionizing radiation. No prior scientific knowledge required. Free, accessible and welcome to all.
When: Weds, August 3, 6-9 pm
Where: Honolulu Friends Meeting House 2426 O’ahu Avenue, Honolulu
More Information: / 808-988-6266.
Sponsored by: AFSC Hawai’i/Hawai’i Peace and Justice,
DMZ-Hawai’i / Aloha ‘Aina
Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space
I glad that AFSC is puting together this Radiation workshop and hopefull some other Union Members will also attend. I’ve worked repairing Submarines at PHNSY for more then 30+ years and I got Kidney Cancer for my efforts. I have not filed a workers comp claim becauce the federal government rarely pays for cancer because you can’t prove where it came from.