Citizens denied access to meeting protest outside Pohakuloa Training Area Citizens denied access to meeting protest outside PTA By Heather Nicholson Wednesday, March 3, 2010 11:38 AM HST About 30 people concerned with depleted uranium (DU) radiation on Pohakuloa Training Area picketed outside the Saddle Road military base Feb. 24. At the same time, the group received word that their petition to challenge the… Read more »

Japan Offers New Plan in Okinawa Dispute

It looks like the Japanese government is caving in to U.S. pressure to keep the Marine base in Okinawa. >><< Japan Offers New Plan in Okinawa Dispute By MARTIN FACKLER Published: March 3, 2010 TOKYO — The Japanese government has approached United States officials with a new proposal for resolving a festering dispute over… Read more »

Group hopes U.S. ad raises awareness of Futenma Thursday, March 4, 2010 Group hopes U.S. ad raises awareness of Futenma By MASAMI ITO Staff writer Concerned about the lack of information in the U.S. regarding the relocation of a marine base in Okinawa, a network of Japanese and U.S. citizens and nongovernmental groups announced Wednesday plans to take out a full-page ad… Read more »

Women’s Rights Groups Urge the Philippines to Rethink Guam Military Buildup Bid

For Immediate Release Contact: Ellen-Rae Cachola Women’s Rights Groups Urge the Philippines to Rethink Guam Military Buildup Bid By Ellen-Rae Cachola and Terry Bautista March 1, 2010 In his statement to the press, Mayor James Gordon Jr. spoke with nostalgia about U.S. military presence in Olongapo and across the Philippines. He said that for Olongapo,… Read more »

More on Nuclear Survivors Remembrance Day Nuclear Survivors Remembrance Day Tuesday, 02 March 2010 03:26 by Sen. Ben Pangelinan March 1, 2010 marks the 56th year of the explosion of the most devastating instrument of mass destruction of its time and for many decades to come, the nuclear bomb, Code named “Bravo” on the peoples of the Pacific. It was… Read more »

Nuclear survivors worry as U.S. presses for resettlement N-test affected islanders worry as US presses for resettlement Tuesday, 02 March 2010 00:00 By Giff Johnson – For Variety MAJURO — Fifty-six years after an American hydrogen bomb blast in the Pacific exposed hundreds of people to radioactive fallout, the U.S. Congress is pressing islanders to return home by next year. March 1… Read more »

U.S. Torture – It’s Not Over Yet

US Torture–It’s Not Over Yet Washington’s Wars and Occupations: Month in Review #58 February 28, 2010 By Rebecca Gordon, War Times/Tiempo de Guerras February was not a good month for U.S. torture victims or their supporters. A British court released documents detailing the tortures suffered by Binyam Mohamed, whom the U.S. had shipped to Morocco… Read more »

Military suicides exceeded combat deaths in January Military Suicides Posted by Joe Klein Monday, March 1, 2010 at 11:52 am During the month of January, more soldiers committed suicide (24) than were killed by enemy fire in Afghanistan and Iraq combined (16). This is unusual, but–amazingly–not unique. In fact, the problem of military suicides is growing much worse, as Army Chief… Read more »

Maui peace activists honored by the ACLU

Congratulations to Mele Stokeberry and Charles Carletta, two leaders in Maui Peace Action, for receiving the Pila Witmarsh Aloha Award! >><< Maui activists win ACLU accolades By LEE IMADA, News March 1, 2010 Two longtime Maui activists who were honored by the American Civil Liberties Union of Hawai’i this month believe peace in the… Read more »