CIA declassified history of the Glomar Explorer

The National Security Archive has released recently declassified documents from the CIA pertaining to the 1974 Project Azorian, a secret expedition to retrieve a sunken Soviet nuclear sub 250 miles northwest of Kaua’i.  The cover story for the Glomar Explorer, the strange ship searching the deep sea was that it was looking for manganese nodules… Read more »

Former Employees accuse Blackwater of Defrauding government, hiring prostitute

Here are two articles aboutt the lawsuit brought by two former employees of Blackwater / Xe private military company accusing the company of defrauding the government and hiring prostitutes with government funds.   Two former Blackwater workers allege: a Filipino prostitute in Afghanistan was put on the Blackwater payroll under the “Morale Welfare Recreation” category, and… Read more »

Privatizing Women: Military Prostitution and the Iraq Occupation

This article is several years old, but it raises important issues about militarization and its impacts on women that are as relevant as ever today.   I have met Debra McNutt in meetings of anti-war  and demilitarization organizers.   Mahalo to Ann Wright for forwarding this article. >><< July 11, 2007 Military Prostitution and the Iraq… Read more »

Prostitution debate should also look at prostitution of Hawai’i to military and tourism interests

There is a debate between advocates for the rights of persons who work in the sex trade.   One camp advocates decriminalization to end the legal victimization of prostitutes, many of whom are already victims of violent pimps, police harassment and other abuses. (Under decriminalization, laws against pimps and sex traffickers would still remain on the… Read more »

Live-fire over Makua valley

As the Honolulu Weekly reported below, the community turned out to protest the Army’s plan to establish an Asia-Pacific Fusion Counter-IED center at Makua.   Like a pimp, the Army is soliciting other countries to use and abuse Makua.  Stars and Stripes reported that in Thailand during “Cobra Gold” joint military exercises, “U.S. Army Pacific officials… Read more »

Protests start off the National Security Studies colloquium Protests start off the National Security Studies colloquium By JUNGHEE LEE News Co-Editor Published: Thursday, February 11, 2010 Junghee Lee Protesters gathered infront of the Korean Studies building yesterday morning to convey their distrust with the CIA’s presence on campus. A group of about six protestors gathered together and protested against the colloquium National… Read more »

Protest at UH Challenges Intelligence Community Centers of Academic Excellence & CIA Campus Recruitment Protest at the University of HI Challenges Intelligence Community Centers of Academic Excellence & CIA Campus Recruitment 2010-02-12 04:39 By Ann Wright Hawaii activists protested on February 10, 2010, the University of Hawaii’s participation with U.S. intelligence agencies in a symposium on national security and called on students and faculty to remember the criminal… Read more »

Army to Discharge Single Mom, Rather Than Court-Martial Her Army to Discharge Single Mom, Rather Than Court-Martial Her Thursday 11 February 2010 by: Dahr Jamail, t r u t h o u t | Report Army Spc. Alexis Hutchinson with son Kamani Hutchinson. (Photo: Alexis Hutchinson / Oakland Tribune) On Thursday, February 11, Army Specialist Alexis Hutchinson, a single mother of an infant… Read more »

Kaua’i: Burial council rejects treatment plan for Haena home built over iwi

The Kaua’i Burial council rejected the state’s burial treatment plan for iwi kupuna (Native Hawaiian burials) on a lot in Naue, where wealthy California developer Joseph Brescia is building a multimillion dollar home.  The burial treatment plan is supposed to be approved before permits are issued and construction can begin. But the Kaua’i county has… Read more »

Hawaii-based Marines gearing up for major assault in Afghanistan Posted on: Friday, February 12, 2010 Hawaii-based Marines gearing up for major assault in Afghanistan By William Cole Advertiser Military Writer Hawai’i Marines battled with fighters on the edge of Marjah in southern Afghanistan this week as thousands of troops mass to attack the Taliban stronghold in what’s being called the biggest offensive since… Read more »