Akaka Bill in trouble?

The so-called Akaka Bill, which would establish Native Hawaiians as a federally recognized native tribe under U.S. law and powers, has been strongly opposed by the Hawaiian Sovereignty movement.   The bill would place Native  Hawaiians under the Department of Interior and effectively extinguish claims to land and independence.   The bill would also exempt the U.S…. Read more »

America’s Shadowy Base World

http://snipurl.com/ubppw [Tom Dispatch] Tomgram: Nick Turse, America’s Shadowy Base World By Nick Turse Posted on February 9, 2010, Printed on February 10, 2010 http://www.tomdispatch.com/blog/175204/ Once is an anomaly; twice is the beginning of a pattern.  Right now, we’re seeing the same sequence of events for the second time in less than a decade, and it… Read more »

Hawai’i faces a Strykerferry threat

When critics of the Hawaii Superferry uncovered its ties to military programs and warned that the Superferry was a front for establishing a U.S.-based shipyard that could compete for the military JHSV and Littoral Combat Ship contracts, these ideas were derided as “paranoid conspiracy theories”. But less than a year since the demise of the… Read more »

John Murtha, Pennsylvania’s “King of Pork” dies

John Murtha, a longtime hawkish congressman from Pennsylvania, dubbed the “King of Pork”, died at age 77.   His legend as a master of pork-barrel politics rivals that of Hawai’i’s Senator Daniel Inouye.   But now that Ted Stevens has been toppled from his throne in Alaska, and Murtha has died, Inouye is coming under greater scrutiny… Read more »

It’s back! Superferry rises from the dead

Like a zombie flick where the dead won’t stay dead, the State House of Representatives considering a bill to resurrect the Hawaii Superferry by creating a state ferry system and a special fund to have the public fund the venture.   Citizens concerned about environmental and social impacts and the military use of the Hawaii Superferry… Read more »

Insulting China

Insulting China By Robert Dreyfuss The Nation: 02/01/2010 http://www.thenation.com/blogs/dreyfuss/524652/insulting_china Just like Hong Kong, soon enough Taiwan — the so-called Republic of China — will be absorbed into China proper. It’s a goner. The sheer force of China’s gravitational pull will draw the island to the mainland. So what, exactly, is the Obama administration thinking? In… Read more »

I Kareran I Palåbran Måmi (The Journey of Our Words)

WHAT: I Kareran I Palåbran Måmi (The Journey of Our Words) WHO: Poets, Angela T. Hoppe-Cruz (MSW/MA Pacific Islands Studies Candidate) & Kisha Borja-Kicho`cho` (MA Pacific Island Studies Candidate).  Both women are Chamoru and were born and raised on the island of Guåhan (Guam). WHERE: University of Hawai`i at Mānoa, Campus Center, Executive Dining Room… Read more »

Exorcising war’s demons, in poetry and prose

http://www.starbulletin.com/news/nyt/20100208_exorcising_wars_demons_in_poetry_and_prose.html Exorcising war’s demons, in poetry and prose By Elisabeth Bumiller / New York Times POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Feb 08, 2010 WASHINGTON — Brian Turner was focused on staying alive, not poetry, when he served as an infantry team leader in Iraq. But he quickly saw that his experience — “a year of complete… Read more »

Economic benefit of military expansion in Guam is overstated

This University of Guam Economics Professor, herself a supporter of the military buildup in Guam, says that the claims of the economic benefit of the build  up are exaggerated.   Apparently the Draft Environmental Impact Statement used the formula from Hawai’i to calculate the multiplier effect of the military spending.  But according to the professor, the… Read more »

Mad Science: Military wants to breed immortal ‘synthetic organisms’

http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2010/02/pentagon-looks-to-breed-immortal-synthetic-organisms-molecular-kill-switch-included/ Pentagon Looks to Breed Immortal ‘Synthetic Organisms,’ Molecular Kill-Switch Included By Katie Drummond Email Author February 5, 2010 The Pentagon’s mad science arm may have come up with its most radical project yet. Darpa is looking to re-write the laws of evolution to the military’s advantage, creating “synthetic organisms” that can live forever —… Read more »