Hawai’i has highest concentration of nuclear submarines

http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/20100207/NEWS01/2070354?source=rss_localnews Posted on: Sunday, February 7, 2010 Hawaii-based ‘silent service’ on never-ending training regime ABOARD THE USS SANTA FE — Riding 60 feet under the ocean surface in a 6,900-ton nuclear submarine that’s longer than a football field, there is almost no sense of movement and very little noise. The only sound is an occasional… Read more »

Driving amphibious assault vehicles through ancient fishponds to help endangered birds?

The Marines will drive amphibious assault vehicles through Nu’upi’a ponds to remove invasive weeds and supposedly help create habitat for Ae’o, the endangered Hawaiian Stilt.    And in doing so are spreading the seeds of the pickleweed.  I wonder how the military was allowed to do this in an ancient Hawaiian fishpond.   I can’t… Read more »

The Sword and the Shield: Surround Russia and China with Mobile “Missile Defense” Systems

http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=17422 The Sword and the Shield: Surround Russia and China with Mobile “Missile Defense” Systems By Bruce Gagnon Global Research, February 5, 2010 Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space – 2010-02-04 The latest news is that Romania will be hosting the U.S. Army’s ground-based “missile defense” systems. Russia is not pleased with… Read more »

The “Four Horsemen” Call For a Nuclear Weapons Spending Surge

http://www.zcommunications.org/full-court-press-by-darwin-bondgraham Full-Court Press The “Four Horsemen” Call For a Nuclear Weapons Spending Surge February 02, 2010 By Darwin Bondgraham and Will Parrish and Nicholas ian Robinson In the December edition of Z Magazine we published a lengthy feature examining the new politics of “anti-nuclear nuclearism,” a rhetoric whereby hawkish elites vaguely tout the goal of… Read more »

Friends of Sabeel Conference in Honolulu

What Does Justice Require of US? Peace with Justice in the Holy Land a conference presented by Friends of Sabeel Hawai’i Honolulu Conference Feb. 26-27, 2010 Conference Goals: Educate others about the conflict in Palestine/israel; Provide a venue for discussion and dialogue; Empower U.S. citizens to become effectivde advocates of a just and peaceful solution…. Read more »

Malama Haloa – Educational Series on Hawaiian kalo and environment

MĀLAMA HĀLOA encourages opportunities for our community to become more familiar with traditional and modern ways of caring for Hāloa. The 4-day event will include presentations by respected practitioners who will share intimate knowledge of their practice. Topics include: Rare Plant Preservation by Nellie Sugii Wednesday, March 31, 2010 – 1:30 pm Lyon Arboretum –… Read more »

Obama, Tea Party Populists, and the Progressive Response

Amid War, Increasing Debt, and Cuts in Social Services:   How is the Right organizing to build power in the U.S.? What are the ramifications for the peace and social justice movements?   How do these trends affect us in Hawai‘i? Obama, Tea Party Populists, and the Progressive Response Speaker: Chip Berlet, Political Research Associates Monday, February… Read more »

Researcher warns: Right wing “populist moment” could get worse

Message to the Left: stop whining and organize! Last night in Honolulu, Chip Berlet, senior researcher of Right wing movements for Political Research Associates and veteran organizer, spoke about the Right wing populism in the U.S. and its current resurgence in the so-called “Tea Party movement” and attacks on President Obama.  He described the history… Read more »

JHSV / Strykerferry invasion of the Pacific?

More information on the proposed stationing of Joint High Speed Vessels in Guam, Hawai’i, San Diego and/or Seattle.   The Army is currently conducting scoping on a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for stationing of these military fast transport vessels.   In Hawai’i a grassroots resistance stopped the Hawaii Superferry, a JHSV disguised as a civilian ferry,  through… Read more »

Superferry Alert! Army eyes Guam, Hawai’i, Seattle and San Diego for JHSV

Return of Strykerferry!  The Army is soliciting comments on a plan to station Joint High Speed Vessels (JHSV), which are based on the same design as the Hawaii Superferry, in several possible locations including Guam, Hawai’i, San Diego and Seattle.   See the article below for more information. >><< http://www.guampdn.com/article/20100204/NEWS01/2040302/Guam-may-host-Army-fast-ships February 4, 2010 Guam may host… Read more »