“Close but distant neighbors” – Pearl Harbor and Hickam merge

My understanding is that the merger will place Hickam under the Navy.   Sitting on Restoration Advisory Board that advise on the clean up of military sites for both Hickam and Pearl Harbor has been very instructive. The culture of the two organizations are quite distinct.  I have found the Navy to be much more closed… Read more »

Action Alert: Sign Holding at Army briefing on Makua

ACTION ALERT! Sign Holding at Army briefing on Makua Army Colonel Margotta will speak about “Makua Future Training Update” at the Wai’anae neighborhood Board on Feb 2, 2010. 7 pm At the Waianae Neighborhood Community Center 85-670 Farrington Hwy (Past McDonalds, Taco Bell and the stream on the mauka side; there’s a bust of Iz… Read more »

China suspends military exchanges with U.S. over arms sales to Taiwan

Relations between the U.S. and China just got chillier with the U.S. announcement to sell $6.4 billion in arms to Taiwan.   The AP reported that: China suspended military exchanges with the United States, threatened unprecedented sanctions against American defense companies and warned Saturday that cooperation would suffer after Washington announced $6.4 billion in planned arms… Read more »

Lingle slams Obama on terror, but has a ‘tin ear’ to U.S. occupation of Hawai’i

At the recent Republican National Committee conference in Hawai’i, Governor Lingle took a pot shot at Obama’s State of the Union speech, accusing Obama of having a “tin ear” on national security.  She argued that suspects in terrorist attacks should be tried in military commissions rather than civilian courts.  Lingle joins the right wing chorus… Read more »

Hawaii Superferries to the rescue!

The Hawaii Superferry ships are fulfilling their military sea lift destiny in Haiti.  No doubt, this story will be used by proponents of the Superferry to argue for the ships to come back to Hawai’i. >><< http://www.navy.mil/search/display.asp?story_id=50888 High-Speed Ferry Ships to Support Haiti Relief Story Number: NNS100127-24 Release Date: 1/27/2010 8:17:00 PM By Adrian Schulte,… Read more »

Jamail: When scholars join the slaughter

The following announcement of a two-day colloquium on National Security Studies was forwarded to me.  It looks like an attempt to recruit language specialists, anthropologists and other social scientists into the service of the national security / military state.   Articles about the deployment of psychologists and anthropologists in counterinsurgency warfare have been posted on this… Read more »

Pilger: The Kidnapping of Haiti

Bits and pieces of news have begun to emerge about the U.S. militarization of relief efforts in Haiti.   In the article below, John Pilger describes what he calls the “Kidnapping of Haiti”.  France has accused the U.S. of “occupying” Haiti.  Others including Naomi Klein warned of a new disaster capitalism assault on Haiti in the… Read more »

Oppose U.S. military bases in Colombia

The Mingas network is a solidarity network working for peace, justice and democracy in Colombia.  It issued the following call to support a statement against the recent U.S.-Colombia agreement to establish multiple military bases in Colombia. They are seeking only organizational endorsers at this time.   Go to this link to sign the letter: http://www.formspring.com/forms/noUSbases-Obama …. Read more »

US military build-up on Guam worries islanders

Over the last several weeks there has been a growing wave of opposition to the military expansion on Guam and the Northern Marianas, led mostly by youth.  It has been very encouraging to see them find their voice to speak out clearly, powerfully, and intelligently against the genocidal militarization planned for their island while navigating… Read more »

Foreclosures increase in Hawai’i – military home buyers stoking the trend

One of the impacts of the military in Hawai’i is the inflationary effect on housing prices. By subsidizing military personnel who live off base, the military tends to increase the price of housing.  The military has also been credited with creating more of a cushion for the housing market during downturns. However, as this article… Read more »