Obama freezes government spending, but not for the military!

In his State of the Union address, President Obama committed to ending the war in Iraq:  “Make no mistake: this war is ending, and all of our troops are coming home.” “All of our troops”?  We’ll see about that.  He didn’t say anything about the military bases in Iraq, nor about the military contractors. More… Read more »

Peace Action Network launches Okinawa solidarity events in Tokyo and Kyoto

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 http://tenthousandthingsfromkyoto.blogspot.com/2010/01/actions-scheduled-this-weekend-in-tokyo.html US for Okinawa – Peace Action Network launches this weekend in Tokyo and Kyoto Members of grassroots peace groups and other concerned individuals have gathered to form the “US for OKINAWA peace action network”. Closely affiliated with the Peace Boat NGO and also including members from the Peace Not War… Read more »

“A Conversation with Donna Haraway: beginning with ‘Avatar’ and continuing from there”

An Event at Revolution Books, 2017 S. King Street, Honolulu Sunday, January 31, 2010, 3pm “A Conversation with Donna Haraway: beginning with ‘Avatar’ and continuing from there” We are changing our scheduled talk on global warming from this Sunday to the following Sunday (February 7). This Sunday we have a unique opportunity to sit down… Read more »

The widening war: Yemen

U.S. special forces and intelligence agents are deeply involved in military operations against suspected al-Qaeda affiliates.  It is amazing and frigthening that the government has designated at least three U.S. citizens for assassination.   The U.S. is now killing its own citizens for political crimes of being affiliated with a government identified “terrorist” organization. >><< http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/26/AR2010012604239_pf.html… Read more »

Quadrennial Defense Review will lay out U.S. strategy for next four years

http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/20100127/NEWS01/1270348/Pentagon+s+new+strategy+beefs+up+Army++Marines Posted on: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 Pentagon’s new strategy beefs up Army, Marines Draft of 4-year plan suggests major impact on Isle bases By JOHN YAUKEY Gannett Washington Bureau WASHINGTON — Boots on the ground will trump jets in the air or boats in the water in the Pentagon’s forward-looking, four-year plan due out… Read more »

CINCPAC doing spin control on Nago mayoral election

In this article from the AP published in the Marine Times, Admiral Willard, the new Commander of the Pacific Command tries to downplay the significance of the Nago mayoral elections, where an anti-base candidate won over the pro-base incumbent. >><< http://www.marinecorpstimes.com/news/2010/01/ap_marine_futenma_pacific_command_012610/ PaCom boss: Vote not setback to moving Futenma Audrey McAvoy – The Associated Press… Read more »

Okinawa Upset

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703808904575024411326468010.html OPINION ASIA JANUARY 26, 2010 Okinawa Upset Sunday’s election deals a blow to U.S.-Japan relations, but the damage isn’t fatal. By TOBIAS HARRIS This year marks the 50th anniversary of the U.S.-Japan alliance, but an election in the tiny city of Nago, Okinawa (population 59,742) may have unsettled the relationship. Nago is home to… Read more »

Appeal from No Dal Molin movement

This was sent by the No Dal Molin movement from Enzo Ciscato <enzo@ciscatoitaly.com>: APPEAL: Let’s defend our HISTORY To the associations, to the movements, to everyone who, in these years, have put effort and struggle to preserve the landscape, the history and the cultural traditions of our territory we are asking for an extraordinary mobilitation… Read more »

Plans to cut health care for Micronesians will endanger lives

http://www.starbulletin.com/news/20100126_Planned_cuts_could_risk_health_of_Micronesians.html Planned cuts could risk health of Micronesians By Gary T. Kubota POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Jan 26, 2010 A proposed cut in the state government’s medical assistance to Micronesians could mean some of them will die as a result, the state was told yesterday during a public hearing. Health experts also raised questions about… Read more »

Former Schofield soldier charged with murder of Nevada woman

http://www.desertdispatch.com/news/victorville-7755-barstow-woman.html Soldiers to stand trial for killing of Barstow woman January 25, 2010 3:33 PM By DAVID HELDRETH, staff writer VICTORVILLE • A pair of soldiers accused of killing a 29-year-old Barstow woman during an apparent robbery in September will stand trial for murder. Judge Eric Nakata found Monday that the prosecution provided enough evidence… Read more »