Obama, Tea Party Populists, and the Progressive Response

How is the Right organizing to build power in the U.S.? What are the ramifications for the peace and social justice movements? How do these trends affect us in Hawai‘i? Obama, Tea Party Populists, and the Progressive Response Speaker:  Chip Berlet, Political Research Associates Friday, February 5th, 2010 6:30 – 8:00 pm Honolulu Friends Meeting… Read more »

Is Hatoyama government backtracking on bases in Okinawa?

This editorial writer claims that the Hatoyama government in Japan is seeking “hana michi”, a graceful and face-saving surrender after challenging the US base relocation agreement.   Let’s hope that this is wishful thinking on the writer’s part and not the inclination of the Japanese government.  The people of Okinawa want the U.S. bases out.   Will… Read more »

Honolulu Advertiser editorial: “Army needs to make case for Makua plan”

Editorial from the Honolulu Advertiser: http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/20100113/OPINION01/1130306/Army-needs-to-make-case-for-Makua-plan Posted on: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 Army needs to make case for Makua plan The Wai’anae community in particular and the state in general need a clearer understanding of what the Army has in mind for Makua Valley, in the near and short term. It’s been more than a… Read more »

UN releases “State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples” Report

The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Affairs recently released a major report on the State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples.  Click here to download the UN State of Indigenous peoples summary of the 250 page report.  Go to the link below to download the full document. >><< http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/unpfii/en/sowip.html State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples… Read more »

EMERGENCY: The Police Raid the Gangjeong Village, Jeju, South Korea

Jeju is a small island off the coast of South Korea. It is known for its beautiful volcanic landscape and semi-tropical climate, abundant seafood and strong tradition of peace activism.  The island is designated as a world peace island. But the Korean government wants to build a navy base on the island, which activists believe… Read more »

Okinawa: Another village fights against U.S. military base expansion

There has recently been much attention focused on the conflict between the U.S. and Japan over the relocation of Futenma air station from Ginowan city to Henoko/Oura.  However, there is another base expansion in Takae, in the north of Okinawa that threatens rain forest habitat to many of Okinawa’s rare species. Download the Voice of… Read more »

Obama wants mo’ money for the war – another $33 billion

http://original.antiwar.com/wheeler/2010/01/15/just-what-we-need-more-pentagon-spending/ Just What We Need: More Pentagon Spending by Winslow T. Wheeler, January 16, 2010 The Associated Press ran a January 12 article leaking some details about a new spending supplemental for the Defense Department in 2010. DOD will get another $33 billion to pay for President Obama’s surge of additional Soldiers and Marines to… Read more »

US set to discontinue depleted uranium in medium calibre ammunition

On the heals of recent NRC hearings on a petition brought by four Hawai’i residents to intervene on the Army’s application for a license to possess depleted uranium at several Army installations in Hawai’i, including Pohakuloa and Schofield Barracks, it appears that the military is backing away from the use of DU in medium caliber… Read more »

The militarization of Saddle Road

This article describes the funding mechamisms by which the military paid for much of the Saddle Road realignment to suit their operational needs. The original Army newsletter containing the article is found here: http://www.sddc.army.mil/EXTRACONTENT/Translog/2009%20TRANSLOG%20Fall%2009.pdf >><< http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Defense+access+roads:+Hawaii+road+shows+program%27s+benefits+to…-a0215842041 Defense access roads: Hawaii road shows program’s benefits to military and nation. A recent ceremony in Mauna Kea State… Read more »

Chamorro Self-Determination

http://overseasreview.blogspot.com/2010/01/chamorro-self-determination.html 15 January 2010 Chamorro Self-Determination (Marianas Variety) By Ben Pangelinan Over 3,600 years before the lost European Ferdinand Magellan ascended into our small island chain, 3,830 years before my grandmother was born and 3,887 years ago before I was born —the Chamorro people sailed the oceans and lived on this land they called Guahan…. Read more »